What was once the blog that got me fired. Now try and figure it out. I intend to Track the eventual overthrow of mankind by robots. Conspiracy theories. Election Fraud concerns. Documenting the Silent Totalitarianism of the Surveillance Society. Or maybe this is just my real life, only fictionalized.
Friday, December 31, 2004
Blogger gets suspended
"The Unreal piece, 'Local Blog o' the Week,' highlighted an online diary written under the pseudonym Roland H. Thompson. Though Finney did not identify himself by name in the blog, titled 'Rage, Anguish and Other Bad Craziness in St. Louis,' he chronicled minute details of his life, including lengthy passages about his job as a Post-Dispatch features writer.
Sources at the Post who informed Riverfront Times of Finney's suspension say the newsroom was abuzz over the action, thought to be one of only a few instances in which an American journalist has been disciplined because of a personal blog."
Thursday, December 30, 2004
Possible Interview with National Magazine
Wednesday, December 29, 2004
A review of the timeline
- August 10 , court management becomes aware of this website.
"it became quite obvious that this website was created and maintained by you. Upon investigation of your Outlook E-mail account , e-mails sent by you indicate you are the originator of the website and it's content."
Talk about your crack investigating staff, after finding emails where I state the website is mine they determine the website is mine.
- September 1
I received a certified letter notifying me that "effective immediately ( I ) was being placed on administrative leave (so the administration could) conduct an investigation...to minimize disruption in the workplace."
You know I find there is nothing like a administrative investigation to minimize workplace disruptions.
- October 15
My copy of the "preliminary charges " via certified letter arrives. Chocked full of 7 juicy charges.
- November 8
I have been given 10 days to argue to the very official sounding Judicial Merit System Commisssion.
- November 17
Filed my appeal, a hearing gets set for Jan.4th. Unemployment then denies my claim, after throwing to the wind the first 6 charges, but damn that unlucky 7th one.
Your all up to date.
International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) - Home
Thursday, December 23, 2004
Bad guys 1 good guys -zero
Wednesday, December 22, 2004
5 PM deadline coming
Sunday, December 19, 2004
Fired Blogger Gets Unemployment
Yesterday I had my first victory against Delta: the Georgia Department of Labor granted me my unemployment benefits. The reasoning for their determination in my favor was as follows: Your employer fired you for violation of a reasonable and known policy. The available facts show that you were not aware of the rule, policy, or requirement. The facts show that you did not fail to follow employer's rules, orders or instructions. Therefore, you can be paid benefits. I guess I couldn't wish for a better birthday present...
Hey, maybe even I can get it then.
Friday, December 10, 2004
Unemployment update
My roomate's sister insists that Wendy is looking for another English speaker. I bet.
Unemployed Kerry Staffer
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Januarary 4 is the big day?
It's noon and they have till 1 pm. It's kinda like waiting for the cable guy. We will call sometime between 7 am and 1 pm. I used to provide that level of bureaucratic customer service , some would say it's KARMA biting me in the ass, I say KARMA can go suck on a rotten egg.
Tuesday, November 30, 2004
Filed my appeal
Friday, November 19, 2004
Things taken for granted until unemployment hits.
- A fresh box of Arm and Hammer odor dissolving baking soda for the freezer and refrigerator. [if one of you would just click through a google ad , and buy some baking soda for christ sakes.]
- Health care.
- (2 ) two-liters a day cola habit is hard to break.
Monday, November 15, 2004
The hunting of the library assistant vol.1

AG's office: "Uh, but wasn't that car sold to your Ex-wife? I mean that's gotta make it funny? "
Not as funny as abandoning any pretext of civic servitude and substituting the proto-fascist mechanisms of a police state. Though I must admit: for a fascist police state apparatus you do seem to have a sense of humor.
Friday, November 12, 2004
I guess you can get Fired for blogging!
In the letter I was directed "not to enter any court buildings while the investigation was being conducted."
October 15
My copy of the "preliminary charges" via certified letter arrives. It is chock full of 7 juicy charges in official bureospeak fluttered with just enough Starr Report porno type references for easy reading.
November 8
I have been given 10 days to argue to the very official sounding Judicial Merit System Commission that I should be able to keep my job. It seems to me that somebody does not have sense of humor right, mister.
Next Post: More fun with Bureospeak™!
* All true events ..look'em up ...try google or wikpedia
Sunday, November 07, 2004
Thursday, November 04, 2004
Diary of a Flight Attendant gets fired
Sunday, October 31, 2004
Abolish Work Website.

Abolish work
The only problem with this webpage is that it misunderstands the nature of the communist critique of capitalism.
If the author simply read the 1844 Manuscripts by Karl Marx he would have a better understanding of socialism and the nature of its attack on the free enterprise system; nevertheless, at least he gets some things right.
There is more freedom in any dictatorship than in the ordinary American workplace.
Don't believe me? When was the last time you thought about needing to get permission to take a piss? You have no privacy, no thoughts, no right to your time when you are at work. The only freedom you have is the freedom to be fired!
Most citizens get caught up believing in the Freedom and Truth that is America, the last European based state to condone slavery. While wage-labor may not be as horrific as the barbaric system which held sway in our recent past, one day future generations may very well be unable to grasp how we allowed such archaic methods as wage labor to exist...
Saturday, October 30, 2004
Attorney General Spys on me
But according to the proxy some one from the Attorney General's office appears to have checked out this beleaguered blog. It may have something to do with the Oct. 29 pre-hearing regarding this weblog and it's creator. Ahh, nah I'm proboably just a little paranoid.
Monday, October 25, 2004
Mom testifies in slaying-Dad kills kid , rather than pay child support!
Belue said Kelly asked if the two of them could agree on child support without any intervention from the Friend of the Court.
Belue said she told Kelly she was willing to work with him on the amount and on when it would start being deducted from his pay."
Friday, October 15, 2004
Something Awful - The Internet Makes You Stupid
Something Awful - The Internet Makes You Stupid
Tuesday, October 12, 2004
Shit that Bugs Me at Work
Private Investigator Blog
Thursday, October 07, 2004
Customer service crushes
Tuesday, October 05, 2004
Not Guilty-Blog of a gal 's job as a lawyer
Monday, October 04, 2004
Fun in Cubicles!
"I've been writing the life and times of this office park for just over a year now. It is a multi-faceted trek through the aisles of corporate AMERICA. See, I don't buy all that "oh ha ha ha, I'm stealing the office supplies" shit you often see in office geared entertainment, though I surely do it, steal the office supplies, and yes meetings are so boring and middle management is so dumb, etc., just like they say on TV, but...the fact is, man, that TV version of what the office is like isn't real life...it isn't the true drama that is OFFICE.
Office is love and hate and violence and sex and nudity and bitter pills to swallow and fire storms and politics, local, regional, national and international and diverse groups with differing beliefs coming together to sock it to ya, baby!!
This site, CUBICLED.COM is all about getting it right. There are story lines that go and go, like me and the LOVELY VP ELISE HAYES. And some just DIE, like BYRON MANDO. And some are NEW, like YANCY THE MANAGER DOWN BASEMENT WAY. And it all swirls, baby. All mangles together into a POST-MODERN PORTRAIT of the REAL FUCKIN WORLD. SO, okey doke, then.
That's what I think Cubicled is today. It's soo complicated, sometimes, it's hard to follow. Sorry. Let me know if you need help. Most of all, KNOW I FUCKIN LOVE YOU...EACH AND EVERY ONE OF YOU!
Yours Truly,
Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Links to my other BLOGS
Monday, September 27, 2004
Greatest Hits-still on leave so enjoy my recollection
Perhaps my most bizarre memory from my current position came from a patron who "drove all the way here so I would not have to read!"
I have to say that one came as a shock to even this cynical and jaded government employee. Nothing turns off a law library patron faster than telling them you have a book to show them on that subject.
"I have to look this up? You don't know the answer? Well, what do you do then?" So then I will point to the exact paragraph they need and they will then ask me to interpret it for them.
After getting my interpetation they ask "Well, what do I do now?"
My advice is that medical science has yet to advance to the stage where we can simply and safely provide you with a brain transplant, so go hire a lawyer!
Saturday, September 25, 2004
Work Poop - Headquarters-how much does your job pay you for pooping?
Friday, September 24, 2004
Thursday, September 23, 2004
Wednesday, September 22, 2004
Tuesday, September 21, 2004
Blog additions
I would hate to change the outlook of this blog , but since i am still on Admin Leave I have only myself and living situation to peeer at with my overly critical gaze. I will try not to compain to much but how can a person have his alarm clock go off for more than 2 hours without waking up? My roomate insists that his massive Fro is sound absorbent hence he never heard the mind numbing buzzing. ( we don't call him FRO for nothing...)
Another thing I have noticed is that a 24 pack of coke only lasts 2.5 days when your at home all day.
Friday, September 17, 2004
The wholly kool adventures of Public Transportation

Daily counts:
- Number of " bitchy" hot girls who wear low rider jeans so low she has to loop her finger through her belt loop in order to sit down without showing her thong and then actually loops the finger preventing any view whatsoever of what possibly could have been a great ass...1
This isn't so much a count as an observation, there are three types of people who wear head scarves:
- religious women who are worried there hair is so damn attractive it may turn on heathens.
- cool people who look good it in
- and finally people who wear head scarves to cover up something you don't want to see. The third type regularly use public transportation and for whatever reason the protective head gear seems to fail right as they come into my view--not to mention the big coffee stain on a 48 dd tit ain't always attractive.
I was chalk this all up to the hazards of DUI's, car accidents, and my general bad luck, but at my last stop a real life sized MIDGET boarded the bus...Maybe god does love me...
Tuesday, September 14, 2004
Monday, September 13, 2004
A Dismal Morality
My only disagreement with Mr. Fromm's position, is that I believe he overstates his case. Not every human will confront his/her transcendental status within nature. One of my favorite quotes is from Henry David Thoreau, he believed that " the mass of men live lives of quiet desperation," but current research in the psychological field of happiness indicates Henry David Thoreau's diagnosis of a melancholic man is unwarranted.
In our own post-modern times, those " lucky few" who confront their existential crisis will be handed two ready made answers. The first is adapatation, the second is authenticity.
I would like to suggest that both are immoral responses given our socio-historical era. Later I will provide what I believe to be the only solution to the ethical quandary of post modernity. I believe it lies in a Kierkegaardian " leap into suffering."
First, allow me to tackle adaptationas a suggestive answer to man's problem of existence. I know that most of you will be happy to join me in berating such simple minded notions as: obey, consume, and submit.
Certainly unique individuals, such as we, would never kowtow to the peer pressure of legitimacy granted by name brands. Nor are we so easily seduced by the myriad pleasures offered up by the culture-industry. Our consumption won't be limited within the banal coffers of corporate conformity. Our cheerie band will not hold true the bland individuality of tribal tattoos, designer coffees and such. [ author note: I will add to this particular post by editing and replacing as not to bore those not interested by adding new entries. Also I will maintain within comments any footnotes etc]
Friday, September 10, 2004
10 commandments for laziness
You are a modern day slave. There is no scope for personal fulfilment. You work for your pay-check at the end of the month, full stop.
No. 2
It's pointless to try to change the system. Opposing it simply makes it stronger.
No. 3
What you do is pointless. You can be replaced from one day to the next by any cretin sitting next to you. So work as little as possible and spend time (not too much, if you can help it) cultivating your personal network so that you're untouchable when the next restructuring comes around.
No. 4
You're not judged on merit, but on whether you look and sound the part. Speak lots of leaden jargon: people will suspect you have an inside track
No. 5
Never accept a position of responsibility for any reason. You'll only have to work harder for what amounts to peanuts.
No. 6
Make a beeline for the most useless positions, (research, strategy and business development), where it is impossible to assess your 'contribution to the wealth of the firm'. Avoid 'on the ground' operational roles like the plague.
No. 7
Once you've found one of these plum jobs, never move. It is only the most exposed who get fired.
No. 8
Learn to identify kindred spirits who, like you, believe the system is absurd through discreet signs (quirks in clothing, peculiar jokes, warm smiles).
No. 9
Be nice to people on short-term contracts. They are the only people who do any real work.
No. 10
Tell yourself that the absurd ideology underpinning this corporate bullshit cannot last for ever. It will go the same way as the dialectical materialism of the communist system. The problem is knowning when...
Source: Bonjour paresse (Hello Laziness)
Why must thee stalk me oh white trash?
If I could figure out how to post pics on this page I would have to have shown you what $20,000 dollars worth of gold rims and spoilers looks like on a 1998 ford festiva. All this just because I wanted a chicken pita.
Friday, September 03, 2004
Investigate they will
Monday, August 23, 2004
I was offered another job today at work.

Wouldn't it be great? If only she were serious. She tells me
"You should be in sales, you have such a calming sense about you."
Calm and laid back is not what most people think of in a sales rep.
"Let's talk sometime." she purrs.
This same gal is intent on suing the process server that dropped off her divorce paperwork. For god's sake she hired a private investigator to dig up dirt on the poor girl.
Did I mention though that she is quite exsquite? Dark hair, fair complexion, VERY put together. I have a weakness for snobby, stuck up women who would normally never give me the chance.
Best threatening message to a patron:
I think I would feel threatened if someone promised to " spread my face across the Earth! I must have completed 20 restraining orders today.
Saturday, August 21, 2004
People really hate paying child support.

I can't say how many times I have overheard people complain about the State's efforts to force them to pay for the support of their children.
Nothing makes a father happier than when a child turns 18. Happy birthday, Timmy! Now get a job!! The manic joy, the effervescent glee is out right sickening. Why the hell are half of these people having kids?
"I have a kid who turned 18 , how do I kick him out my house? You know it's bad enough you can't do anything about this when they are under 18."
It's no wonder this kid won't work or go to school. Talk about your parental love. Is it safe to assume men have no instinct to nurture their children?
Thursday, August 19, 2004
Some lessons white trash women need to learn. Throwing a roll of quarters at someone is never justified.

Patron: " My husband has been on a crack binge for three days and is looking for guns so he can shoot me, my kids, and then himself, so we can all be in heaven together. Do you think I need a restraining order?"
Me: Uh ..I hope that's a rhetorical question.
Patron: "Are you starting shit with me?"
Good times! (or the Further Adventures of Battered Women )
A patron writes: " and then he threw a roll of quarters at me in the car and at home, in both cases (she writes) unwarrented."
Perhaps what we need is a list of times it is warranted to throw a roll of quarters at someone:
- Your bitch starts something with you in the car.
- Your bitch starts something in the house.
- Your bitch starts something outside of the house, but on the way to the car.
Tuesday, August 17, 2004
The Manchurian Candidate
I might be at work, but the misery that I would endure if this was to happen is to great to fathom. I am cotton mouthed and nauseous simply thinking about it.
Overheard: A customer telling her daughter how to fill out a form " start with how we was holding the baby while he had a loaded gun in his backpack. Then go to the rest of the stuff he did!"
Speaking of violence in my workplace, Here is a list just for today
- Number of children brainwashed by the estranged parent...2
- number of cross-eyed babies .....3
- number of alleged death threats by estranged spouses.....4
It may not pay to have an estranged anything.
Monday, August 16, 2004
Somebody has a case of the Monday's
Ahh. The confused patron:
Idiot: " Does this copier give change"
Me: Yes, Press the button labeled coin return.
Idiot: " But, it don't do nothing." Can a machine DO a negative?
Me: You are making 9 copies at 10 cents a page, but only placed 50 cents in the machine.
Idiot: So it's just waiting for me to put money in it?
Yes, it waits with eternal patience. Unlike me.
Thursday, August 12, 2004
Porn store Clerk BLOG
I mean all I had today centered around the copy machine was the 4 cycles of Domestic Abuse.
- Asshole gets pissed at girl
- girl runs off
- asshole says he's sorry - it's not his fault she can't use a copier
- make out session between photocopies
By the way the happy couple is still getting a divorce.
Why I hate Copy Machines: or FAQ
Q. Does this copier take only dimes?
A. I believe you have the copier mistaken for a gumball machine. Don't most machines take all coins?
Q. I only have a quarter will the machine give me change?
A. See the above answer. And Christ are you that worried about change from a quarter. When did you grow up, ... the Great Depression?
Wednesday, August 11, 2004
Trying not to work
Despite such negativity , and due to the inordinate amount of time I spend surfing , I will soon create a personal blog. I think I will mostly link to fun and cool stuff that the reader may not know about. I mean really , how many of you knew about www.wonkette.com ?
Here's the link http://romtex.blogspot.com
Here's my first new catch phrase:
I invented that! (TM)
Monday, August 09, 2004
Friday, August 06, 2004
I don't have time to read
"I don't have time to read"
Good thing your in a library then, buddy. I think you have made the right choice about not reading. It's not like your were gonna understand anything. Just buy all the packets that could possibly pertain to you.
Ok, I'll try be nicer, if you try being smarter!
Daily counts:
- 2 cross-eye's
- 7 babes
- 1 underage teen seeking child support
Wednesday, August 04, 2004
What's the deal with cross-eyed people?
Point in case, they ask for large quantities of rubberbands. They return repetitively, acting as if their very lives depend on obtaining rubberbands.
Family members scream for their attention, " for god's sake I'm trying to get rubberbands. Let me concentrate on one thing at time."
I mean for GOD'S sake people, leave her alone. Can't they see she's doing something important? For the love of god, she needs rubberbands. Don't worry, I have plenty of rubberbands just for you!
I don't like to pick on people with physical deformities, but the court seems to get more than it's fair share of visitors from the evolutionary scrap pile. I'll just mention in passing that the guy's arm looked like it went through a blender from wrist to his elbow.
I am sitting behind a desk.
I am working on a computer.
I am wearing a name tag- court ID.
I am handing out forms or money.
What makes this person ask "do you work here?"
Tuesday, August 03, 2004
Monday Continued
I never did get around to posting for Monday afternoon. I nearly had to come to blows with a guy who wanted a refund for 90 cents from a copy card purchase. "well there's no sign that says I can't get a refund" --Thanks asswipe. Once you buy the card it's yours to keep. Why the hell would you buy a card if you only needed one copy? Why would you argue for 11 minutes for 90 cents?
Biatch alert-- BF thinks 90 cents is worth arguing about.
Later that day, a wonderful encounter with a scab picking pyscho. Scab Picker insisted that he needed to get his guns back. You see, he was arrested for Domestic Violence and that damn bitch of a girlfriend of his had the nerve to ask the judge to take his gun away. " just cuz he had one." This was very unfortunate, as it led him in maniacal fashion to pick continuously at his open wounds.
- babe count at zero
- Five " are you a notary?" inquiries
- one cross-eyed freak
Monday, August 02, 2004
Monday Blues
Have I mentioned that it's 11:35 (am) and not one single BAbe Count has been registered. Disaster of a DAY. More later perhaps.
Friday, July 30, 2004
A Hero's Goodbye

A few of my posts got lost and the rest never got published. I will keep trying to post regularly because I need to keep * BF * informed, since this is her last Day!
**BF -Obviously not her real name --changed to protect the GUILTY!
I sure am gonna miss those 25 minute breaks!
Since I am a government worker I will still take those 25 minutes, just by myself now!
I think I should just say goodluck and congrats to, BF.
You got the hell out of COUNTY work- you've done your time. But don't look back, otherwise you might turn into a pillar of salt.
As to complaining today--well wouldn't you know today has been kinda slow, so there has been no need to get angry at anyone. Although a nice, older lawyer needed me to show him how to use the mouse on a computer like 24 times and yet he still does not quite have it down. He was born before TV, so I guess I won't hold it against him.
Next, I got yelled at by a women who insisted that I sold her the wrong forms and then proceeded to bring me up the exact same forms to buy again. It might've helped her cause if she hadn't needed her 12 year old daughter to make all of the decisions for this family.
This kid acted more like an adult than her mom. Dressed in a pink power suit , Powder-Puff-Teen-Attorney-Action-Girl, (action figure sold separately) proceeded to read all the fine print in the Self Service Center Guides and then point out how retarded her MOM is.
Now For your Daily Counts:
- number of hotchicks..............................................................................9
- number of hot chicks under 18 seeking child support...........1
- number of people asking whether I am a notary or not........2
- number of crossed eyed people encountered at court........................1
First Post

The first post for my blog was actually written more than a year ago. But my blog got deleted somehow by blogger.
Wednesday, March 05, 2003
It's 4:35 and I should probably be working or something, luckily no need as of yet. It's finally kinda quiet. Nothing too incredible happened today. Let's just say no one has really pissed me off or anything.
I hand out divorce forms all day, so I meet the nicest people having the worst fucking day of their life.
People sure are jerks, always demanding me to give them legal advice.
"I know your not allowed to give legal advice,but...?"
"Your gonna go ahead and ask anyway aren't ya buddy?"
This is not the DMV, I do not provide answers, get a friggin lawyer you cheap ass. The only people who make it in to this place seem to be retarded, insane or both.
Just yesterday I overheard a fat middle-aged woman talking on her cell phone.
"I should go tell them." she tells a co-worker of mine. "That I've got multiple personality disorder, that's why I can't remember instructions."
She never made it over to tell us. I guess that personality forgot to tell the one who was supposed to inform us.
This Thursday is free LAWYER day.
A civil servants idea of hell. Satre wasn't kidding --hell IS other people!