Friday, July 30, 2004

First Post

The first post for my blog was actually written more than a year ago. But my blog got deleted somehow by blogger.

Wednesday, March 05, 2003

It's 4:35 and I should probably be working or something, luckily no need as of yet. It's finally kinda quiet. Nothing too incredible happened today. Let's just say no one has really pissed me off or anything.

I hand out divorce forms all day, so I meet the nicest people having the worst fucking day of their life.

People sure are jerks, always demanding me to give them legal advice.

"I know your not allowed to give legal advice,but...?"

"Your gonna go ahead and ask anyway aren't ya buddy?"

This is not the DMV, I do not provide answers, get a friggin lawyer you cheap ass. The only people who make it in to this place seem to be retarded, insane or both.

Just yesterday I overheard a fat middle-aged woman talking on her cell phone.

"I should go tell them." she tells a co-worker of mine. "That I've got multiple personality disorder, that's why I can't remember instructions."
She never made it over to tell us. I guess that personality forgot to tell the one who was supposed to inform us.

This Thursday is free LAWYER day.

A civil servants idea of hell. Satre wasn't kidding --hell IS other people!

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