Sunday, March 29, 2020

Got COVID 19?? How suicide seems less cool now ...

Don't think you guys owe me anything.  

Not that you didn't abandon this blog way before I stopped writing it. That's cool and all and if it helps I never expected much anyway.  But things have been shitty lately.  Like how we have this stupid run on toilet paper and this crazy 'Chinese' Virus that is going to kill us all.  Well kill you at least.  I hope.

Personally I am less suicidal, now that I know my days are numbered.

Many of you guys remember that I work at a grocery store so you'll be glad to know that I will get exposed to this virus any day now.

This alt Sci-Fi World we live in crazy.  Unlike you, I am a hero for working on the front lines.  You hoard paper products and load your gun like the cowards you are, but I turned down an offer from a friend to help with bills and take a few weeks off and avoid the possibility of massive exposure.  Instead I am putting myself out there for the sake of my fellow essential workers and  grocery co-workers and customers in a move that will more than likely end me all for the sake of my own ridiculous need to self punish.

I know what you are thinking.  You wished I started writing during the start of this panic.  Why?  Like you don't know to stop buying TP?? Or that this is all Trump's fault? Or wash your hands or the like.  Yes. I had some funny takes on this and yes some of my family and friends have enjoyed me on Facebook yelling at people to stay home and get off my lawn.  But you know me better than that.  What we have has always transcended lazy stuff like that.

We have a real connection. The kind where we just look at each other and a million times more information passes than a word or two can convey.  YOU GET ME and I GET YOU and they will never take that away from us.

SO I write this in days that seem so unfamiliar to all the new folks who never got what we were doing and where we are living.  That's because you and I have lived this life forever.  We self isolate, we live in constant dread and fear.  We are slightly paranoid, but right. And we gave up hope years ago..we stopped thinking we were in control and we never much cared how the world turned out because we knew we weren't included in "their" plans anyway.

Now we all get to be outsiders.  Now we all understand how futile we are.  Now "we get it" we know that all of this is being taken for granted.

WE sit here and tell the rest of you to KEEP ordering your Taco Bell online, and everything is going to be OKAY!  But you and I have a special knowledge, don't you? (;

Hugs and Kisses

Romius T.

Back from the dead for a limited time.