Friday, November 12, 2004

I guess you can get Fired for blogging!

So the day that we have all been waiting for has finally come to fruition. It all started way back on September 1, 2004.
I received a certified letter notifying me that "effective immediately ( I ) was being placed on administrative leave so the administration could conduct an minimize disruption in the workplace."
You know I find there is nothing like a administrative investigation to minimize workplace disruptions.

In the letter I was directed "not to enter any court buildings while the investigation was being conducted."
It should be noted the rumors that swirl around me, involving a supposed fetish for guns are completely untrue. Hey, I even support the repeal of the 2nd amendment.

October 15

My copy of the "preliminary charges" via certified letter arrives. It is chock full of 7 juicy charges in official bureospeak fluttered with just enough Starr Report porno type references for easy reading.
Charge # 2 starts off with quite a bit of bravado "you engaged in conduct, which could undermine the integrity of the judiciary."
C'mon, it's not like I rigged a presidential election or sent a guy to jail for life for stealing a slice of pizza.*
Supporting facts of the allegation included such memorable prose as:
"On August 10, 2004 court management was made aware of a website at "
Really? And I thought that the whole no advertising thing was working. Oh, and I won't bemoan the fact that the www website does not exist and that you need the http to get to it. Semantics will get you nowhere.

November 8

I have been given 10 days to argue to the very official sounding Judicial Merit System Commission that I should be able to keep my job. It seems to me that somebody does not have sense of humor right, mister.

Next Post: More fun with Bureospeak™!

* All true events ..look'em up ...try google or wikpedia

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