Tuesday, August 17, 2004

The Manchurian Candidate

This should be this sites new motto (thanks wonkette):

I might be at work, but the misery that I would endure if this was to happen is to great to fathom. I am cotton mouthed and nauseous simply thinking about it.
Overheard: A customer telling her daughter how to fill out a form " start with how we was holding the baby while he had a loaded gun in his backpack. Then go to the rest of the stuff he did!"

Speaking of violence in my workplace, Here is a list just for today

  1. Number of children brainwashed by the estranged parent...2
  2. number of cross-eyed babies .....3
  3. number of alleged death threats by estranged spouses.....4

It may not pay to have an estranged anything.

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