Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Self Help Center Podcast Volume 8

It's 5:00. In less than a half hour I will need to be on my bike to work. I am really trying hard at this point to forget that fact. I still need to brush my teeth and put on my shoes. I am not quite ready for work and I am not sure how long it will take me to get ready, but I wanted to get something in blog form for you. I know you wait breathlessly by your computer with google reader in hand, refreshing constantly, hoping I can make your life all right.

My number 2 spirit wife has my blog address and my myspace profile so she is going to be checking out this blog. I thought I would give her a double dose of me by posting the podcast as well. I mean lets face it she can't get enuff of me. We work together and now she is going to be cyberstalking me and pretty soon we will be doing what the kids are calling a "kicking back" which I think is pretty much just me and her at my house getting drunk on kool aid and vodka.

I told her we really needed to invite someone else so she couldn't later throw out an "allegedly Romius T. was found drinking with a 17 year old in his.." well you get the picture. I did tell her that we should try buying alcohol together and when the clerk asks for her identification that I would get all indignant and reply that she "was my daughter." I thought it would be a nice touch if we made out right afterwards to creep the guy out.


Jenn Siva said...

I dont know if it is my computer or the link, but this podcast tool you are using to imbed the post, did not stream well. It was almost unlistenable.

Romius T. said...

I think your internet is funky the player seems to work for me, are ya using dial up over there?

Freida Bee said...

Aw shit, I really wish you would have just sent me a private email rather than humiliate me by reading that post on your podcast!

Romius T. said...

i need you to quit the fair babe

Dr. Monkey Von Monkerstein said...

You mean it's creepy to make out with your daughter in the liquor store? If I had known that earlier I would have had some kids.

Romius T. said...

very good idea doc!