Some more advice to creeps who ask out my 16 year old spirit wife. Don't ask her out while she drags in carts to the store. Don't eye ball her up and down and shout "damn girl you lookin' good," for the most part this just doesn't work. I recommend buying her lunch and charming her with stories. Ask if she needs a ride home, tell her you might have a car in a week. Tell her you can buy her beer. Tell her you will buy her wine if that's what she says she is into. When she tells you that she is only with her last boyfriend because she had on "beer goggles" tell her you are more than happy to provide an additional pair of goggles as it will benefit you.
I give advice to my spirit wives because that's what a spirit husband does. What a spirit husband will not do is walk you home if you live 3 miles the opposite way of him. Not that I wouldn't mind walking the 3 miles for spirit wife #3. I think she might get a little creeped out if I walked behind her the whole way, occasionaly ducking into the bushes to avoid beeing seen by her.
Spirit wife number 1 came to me with a problem. I am seen as the village elder at my store. I have a good 20 years on most of the kids working there. So anytime they have a problem they seek me out for my advice.
"Aideen just asked me if it was ok that his penis is red and blue. I know that it's disgusting that he asked me that, but can a penis turn red and blue?"
So I had to give a bit of sex ed advice to spirit wife #1. I told her how when the male penis becomes "engorged with blood" it can turn funny colors, but just the tip of it. She thought that was gross and I reminded her that she bleeds from an opening between her legs.
Chicks love it when we remind them of their menses.
Have you ever seen such an abomination with your own eyes? I'm not sure I believe you.
Your spirit wives are lucky you let them wear make up, on both counts.
i listened to your podcast. your voice frightens, yet intrigues me. can you sing something so i can get the full-effect? i'm putting in a request to hear "faith" by george michael.
thank you.
I have only heard rumors that women bleed and have never see it for sure , frieda bee.
Chicks do love it doc von moneky
And yes I do sing, karoke night, america by neil diamond and gloria are my favorites, perhaps I should add them to a podcast
i'll cast my vote for "america" - i love me some neil diamond.
anonymous you are scaring me! I feel like the guy with the hair on american idol.
Do you spank your spirit wives if they've been bad? Just askin'.
Only when they have been bad...or really need it...
i wouldn't mind a spirit spankin' from romius.
you can't get a spanking if you remain anonymous, how will I ever find you, or at least picture you naked?
well what's the easiest way to get in touch with romius other than posting comments? i'm not motivated enough to click all over your site... but then, lazy girls deserve spankings, don't they?
romiustexis@yahoo.com is the email.
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