I've been blogging for five years. But sometimes I go days without posting.
I miss you when I don't post. And I sure hope you miss me too, because your all I got.
Let me tell you what I mean. If you were my girl I imagine it would go like this:
I come home to you after a long day from work to find you in the kitchen cooking our meal. I sneak up from behind you and I gather you in my arms.
"You want to dance?" I ask.
"Why?" You wonder.
"Don't you hear the music?"
"No." You answer. "I don't hear a thing."
"Well I do." I tell you.
And then I draw you close and I touch your head to mine.
"I only hear it next to you." I whisper softly to you.
And then we sway to the music only I can hear.
"I think you might be the perfect girl. The kind of person who could rescue me."
I think I need that.
Happy 5th Birthday Self Help Center. Happy 5 years of being "here" to all my long time readers. And a special warm welcome to any new readers.
I know that we won't ever have many readers over here. But what we share is special.
We GET each other.
Most of the time "getting it" can remain unspoken.
We get by on all the silliness of life.
But I am not crazy. I know there is something more between us. And I don't think that is the 6 pack of Schlitz talking. Nor do I think it the
schmaltziness of the the episode of Calirfornication I just watched.
This feeling is real . It has to be. Because WE connect.
We don't worry about it. We just let it happen.
I mean I just grabbed another beer out of the refrigerator.
That's when I remembered that our fifth anniversary passed without so much as an acknowledgment from you.
You're too fucking busy I guess.
You've got other shit going on....
Now that I have cracked open this beer I think I know the truth.
I don't want to call you a liar. Maybe you meant some of the things you said. Maybe you really do "love me."
But am I supposed to think that my
one ability, the "one " thing you say I am good at....
I say the PERFECT thing at just the RIGHT moment...
Let you down?
I don't think so.
The TRUTH.....
is that was I never enough for you.
But you always let me
believe that it was.
That's why I got my hopes up.
But you never cared how my hopes got up.
I think you thought if my hopes got raised somehow that would make me a better man. But you were wrong. It never made be better. All your delusions ever did was feed the fantasy machine I live in.
You are just a coward.
You won't tell me the truth. You are too afraid to tell me that I am not man enough for you, because you know I will run away from you.
You just love it when I tell you all the little things I am so good at telling you. You can't get them anywhere else. And you hate thinking about a life without the little moments we share.
But that's all I ever get out of you/just a few moments/and then you are gone/and I have to carry on/like some soldier/that never fights/because all I can ever be/ is your martyr.