So please stop.
Are we running some sort of after school lunch program here?
It would be the only thing that would explain why the same two kids come into the bakery everyday asking for a cookie. Where are your parents? Go buy something. Do you really need that cookie everyday?
M&M insists she is Culturally Sensitive: Because we now a "Mexican Section" in the bakery. Which today consists of 5 packages of 'mini' corn muffins.
Why mini-corn muffins? I guess because M&M thinks Mexicans just love Corn Muffins. I can attest to the fact that the Ex (A Mexi-can not Mexi-can't) loved the Jiffy Corn Mix.
Today's Rosie Poem is dedicated to:
Gross Customers
asks for discount
on Donuts
for Mom And Dad
Cause the tray with donuts has a fly in it,
Still she wants three
I give 'em to her for 50 cents
But after you do that
don't try and flirt it up
At the Hot Box
tellin' me you want to see me dance
You're so 40 something.
1 comment:
You're so the sh*t of Florida bakeries! Rock on.
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