Save the Boobies!
Just when you thought blogs where a complete waste of time, here they are saving the god's greatest gift to mankind. Boobies.
Go save the boobies!
For more info hit up my good friend Katie.
What was once the blog that got me fired. Now try and figure it out. I intend to Track the eventual overthrow of mankind by robots. Conspiracy theories. Election Fraud concerns. Documenting the Silent Totalitarianism of the Surveillance Society. Or maybe this is just my real life, only fictionalized.
"I just treated it like any other day." Answered M&M when I asked her about why I was working the only day working people shouldn't have to.
Of course you did. Why not? Just like I treat the fact that I have been disfigured* and disabled** as just a "regular part of working for the capitalist pigs."
Lucky for me though, this is PalmGhetto. So a regular workday is never just a "regular workday." Instead of spending my holiday trying to avoid chanting pro-union songs all day (I don't know any lyrics), I can spend the day trying to avoid white trash conversations at my lunchtime locker.
The following conversation is not verbatim:
After informing me that the "Bitch in the register next to me" better "watch her ass" mostly because "she is talking a lot of shit," I overhear the middle aged cashier on her cell telling her prospects that she "had a little something if you are interested."
Next she busts out with her "tabs" and asks if I needed any. I politely declined and mentioned I'd rather continue to vomit up my own blood up instead.
* I hesitate to place a picture of the hideous scar on the lower half of my thumb which I received from scraping it against the trash can bin.
** I've been vomiting liters of blood from all the Aleve I've been taking for the back pain I incurred whilst mopping an entire bakery floor with a kitchen sized mop.