Friday, April 08, 2005

One day Temp Job at a Major Accounting Firm

My first and as it turns out only day as the temp answering phones at a major accounting firm was cut short. The normal receptionist had grand jury duty and was expeted to be out for some time. Instead of the 4 weeks to 6 weeks I was promised, I get only one day because the defendant pled out. Good news for her and bad news for me!

The job was perfect for me , I think I answered the phone 15 times all day. The rest of the time I spent surfing the web , reading 45 pages from a book that I can recommend "Troll a Love Story,"and playing solitaire. All these things I am really good at. Making sure you get connected to your party-not so much.

While surfing , I came across yet another story on bloggers rights that peaked my interest. This article has convinced me to sue my former employer for violating 1st amendment rights. I 'll tell more in the next post.

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