Dove, makers of crappy soap products, will be ruining the Super Bowl by promoting "An inspirational ad from the beauty products maker [which] aims to raise girls' self esteem with the message that real beauty comes in all shapes, sizes and colors. Helping girls accept themselves is a mission of Dove's five-year marketing strategy."
First, real beauty does not come in all shapes and sizes. I don't care if Tyra suddenly feels sympathy for fat chicks, they still is ugly. And I know a little something about ugly. Hell my memoirs are called "Memoirs from the short bald fat white guy who sits next to you on the bus who wants to get your attention but quickly averts his eyes when yours meet."
The last thing we need is some hypocritical beauty conglomerate to make society feel bad for punishing the deformed or ugly. If ugly people aren't punished for being ugly then we're just encouraging their "lifestyle choices." We need to end the epidemic of fat men in spandex and BBW women. There is no such thing as Big Beautiful Women. It's a contradiction in words. The next thing Dove is gonna have us do is start giving money to the poor, just cuz they're hungry. Where does it end?
Never mind the fact that most of the makeup produced seeps into your skin and produces nasty after effects like birth deformities and ovarian cancer...
If it makes some of 'em better looking, then I am for it. A lot of folks are against women wearing make up, but I say lots of chicks need it, hell if I could wear it I would.
"There is no such thing as Big Beautiful Women"
That right there, my friend, shows what an ugly, insecure, hopeless person you are.
Make-up is great, I wasn't aware of it causing any 'birth defects', though. It makes women feel and look better, how can you be against such?
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