Monday, August 29, 2005

Learning The Psychology of Seduction--so what if your ugly. Sleep with cute chicks!

PsyBlog: Psychology Blog: Learning The Psychology of Seduction: "Neil Strauss is the author of The Game: Undercover in the Secret Society of Pick-up Artists which is sure to produce disgusted reviews like this one in The Independent. It describes how AFCs - average frustrated chumps - can turn themselves into PUAs - pick up artists. Many of the techniques used are based on neuro-linguistic programming, which, in this context, is perhaps most usefully likened to hypnosis. It's all about influencing another person by learning how to manipulate all their senses to produce a change in their beliefs or behaviours.

If you've ever seen the 'mentalist' Derren Brown in action then you know how powerful some of these techniques can be. "

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