Tuesday, January 11, 2005

A Defense of Bloggers

A commentator on my blog has made the following points:

"One's personal diary and/or therapy ravings and/or venting about work are not what Free Speech is about."

Ok. I am a little worried about your desire to limit freedom of speech so quickly. Is freedom of speech allowed only if your talking about the government?

He goes on to side against employees:

One can hardly be surprised when the thus informed public including employers, local clergy and neighbors find them less-than-hugely-enthralling..

Now are you suffering from Stockholm Syndrome? Do you so identify with your boss that you will take the side of the ruling class in class warfare?

The commentator also insists that we all get what we deserve:

What you do in public earns you everything you get in response.

Now I am pretty sure that everybody does not get what they deserve.

(Warning for KARMA lovers.)

I mean Jennifer Anniston is famous, rich and pretty, but her husband left her. Britney Spears' first husband got jack squat for a payday.

And I guess thousands of children were misbehaving during the Tyhpoon in Asia and God was watching.

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