Tuesday, February 22, 2022

Pet Mania Exposed!

Why you love poop so much! 

AKA: The terrorism of dog moms and fur babies: Why your love of animals is part of a misanthropic post-modern market oriented anti- human society. 

I didn't feel like doing all the necessary research to find out when dog mania started in the USA, but it wasn't that long ago that "dog mom" behavior was considered bizarre enough to get you mocked on television.

Remember when Paris Hilton was  ruthlessly derided for carrying that little Taco Bell© dog around in her purse? Now the whole damn world acts just as entitled as she did. Behavior once considered eccentric even for the rich and spoiled is now copied by average people. These average people turned pet enthusiasts bring their dogs to the grocery store, they bring them to restaurants, and to my astonishment, I've seen people walking around the mall with them. Why do pet lovers assume we all share the same affection for these creatures in public spaces?

It's because so many people are substituting pets for human interaction. Now that so many millennials have opted out of having children pet ownership rates have climbed out of control. But you can't blame pet mania on just being too poor to have kids. According to one source "The pet-ownership rate is even higher among those with a college education and a stable income—the same people who are most likely to delay marriage, parenthood, and homeownership beyond the timelines set by previous generations. Dogs, long practical partners in rural life or playmates for affluent children, have become a life stage unto themselves."

I don't know who needs to hear THIS, but if you own a pet your house is FULL of poop!! 

   All pets do is shit in your house. 

I get it pet defender, I'm not supposed to be worried about poop because cats get a specific box of rocks to shit in. But no matter how careful you are, no matter how many precautions you take, no matter how few "surprises" kitty leaves you on the living room floor, your entire house is still contaminated with fecal matter. 

Think about it. That cat shits and then rubs it's ass everywhere. They jump on cabinets, furniture, beds. They climb, walk on, and investigate every crook and corner of your home. Cats do all this right after they've covered their fecal deposits with litter. They kick dust infested with feces straight into the air. Delightful, right? Now do you think that the poop just sticks to the kitty litter? No. The poo also sticks to your cats paws and fur. Thus, fecal matter gets transmitted all over your home. 

All you need is to live in a home with carpetless floors to realize how easily kitty litter gets spread. Walk around without socks and you will invariabley feel the crunch of dirty, fecal infested matter on the bottom of your bare feet. Not only does feces gets spread all around, but random fur balls roam the hallways like tumble weeds in the Old West. 

Look you can sweep the floor 24/7, but all that means you are doing is spreading that feces laced kitty litter around your floors. Pro tip make sure to cover your toothbrush unless you enjoy brushing your teeth with poop infested dust. 

I can already hear your objections, I KNOW you think YOUR home is clean. You meticulously scrub the floor with Clorox®, you change the litter box constantly. You bathe your cat daily. But you are wrong, and fooling yourself. Your home smells. If you have a cat or dog in the house any new visitor will know it. Trust me. I came from a petless environment and as soon as I entered my new home with animals, the offensive smell of animal was the first thing I noticed. You don't smell your animals because you have become desensitized to the smell. But the impurity is still there. Most of your petless friends are simply to polite to tell you about it. 

I'm not. 

For those who think I'm being  dramatic, sensitive, or just plain wrong, ask yourself this  question... would you let a homeless man shit in a box in your bathroom as long as he kicked some sand over it? Would you be cool with his barefeet walking over your kitchen counters? Don't worry, he's a very clean homeless man, we bathe him every few weeks, and whenever he shits he licks his feet and hands clean. I don't think you would. But you will allow your animals to run around like that. You'll even let your dogs and cats slober all over everything. Including licking and kissing your mouth, you disgusting zoophiles. These animals also bring in flees, bugs, shed their fur, vomit, and relieve themselves through out your home constantly. Yet many of you pretend this is perfectly acceptable condition to live in. 

It's probably worse in carpeted homes. Basically you get all that shit soaking into your carpets in between vacuuming. Remember your kids are eating and playing on the floor. That's bad parenting. You are infecting those innocent children with bacteria. 

Mind you these same pet owners are the kind of people who BRISTLE at the idea there are no cart wipes available to them to disinfect the cart handles at the grocery store all because 30 years ago they saw a Dateline 'investigation' about bacteria on grocery carts that's never  been empirically confirmed by science. But science or logic isn't something most pet owners are familiar with.*

*After cleaning the cart they place their filthy animals in the carts to contaminate it for the next customer. I won't mention how the standard response from these average minded folks confronted with evidence that contradicts their love of pets respond fallaciously by moving the goal posts. 


If you aren't convinced by a cesspool of feces to get rid of your animals, then at least consider how dangerous animals are. 

Where this blog to catalog the gruesome images of dog attacks made everyday, then this blog would feature nothing other than X-rayed images of a Pit Bulls stomachs indicating where the chewed off digits of newborns end up. 

Cats cannot be trusted. 

And we haven't even gotten into the mind control that cats have over people by infecting them with a toxic virus.  Doctors reccomend against owning a cat if you are pregnant, or have a low immune system. Beware, you can literally risk your life by housing a pet. 

It's well known that the taxoplasmosis virus causes rat brains to go haywire by making them unafraid of cats. Could the virus also effect human brains? There is enough evidence to be worried. Taxoplasmosis has been linked in humans with schizophrenia, bad driving, crazy cat lady syndrome, risky choices, and much more. 

I think we've all met one of those  hypersexual grandmas who feeds 12 stray cats. They refuse to bathe and spread around the cat urine that's been soaked in to their adult under garments by pissing themselves on busses. Frankly, it's an insidious public health crisis that no one is talking. More than a third of all people have been infected with this virus which causes men to secrete extra testosterone which in turn can lead to risky and violent behavior in men. All of which allows the government to police the behavior of males far more closely than would otherwise be permissable. And risky violent male behavior gives credence to animal lovers when they promote ideas that animals are equal to or better than people. 

The Science of the Necrophillic Character Type as analyzed by Erik Fromm

Look, I know as soon as I said Necrophillic Personality Type to you, that I lost most of you. You figured I was just being disgusting by advocating sex with a corpse. 

You couldn't be more wrong. I'm borrowing a typology from Erik Fromm. Someone you should have remembered from your Sociology 101 class, or when you studied for the MCAT. 

Didn't study for an MCAT? How about at least a GRE? No? Then honestly what are you doing listening to this podcast? I can't sit here and explain every little thing for you. From now on, I'm gonna require a minimum level of education from you. Maybe I should send you a reading list? Oh, who am I kidding? None of you can take time away from your busy schedule of video gaming and gooner masturbation to read anything more cumbersome than a joke from your bubble gum wrappers. So I guess as usual the onus falls on me to teach you since I took Soc 101 and I've read all of Erik Fromm's books. 


Strictly speaking I'm broadening the concept of the necrophilliac personality type and combing the necrophilliac orientation to explain just how the social structure of the USA could form such a vile character type and what the formation of such a personality implies about our shared social structures. 

Fromm descibed the Necrophillic Type to include: "one who is attracted to and fascinated by all that is not alive, to all that is dead; to corpses, to decay, to feces, to dirt." [My exphasis] 

Only a Necrophillic character type could ignore all the poop and fecal matter distributed by your "animal companions." Indeed it's a wonder how little society acknowledges this fecal problem. Is there a virus contaminating dog feces as well as making humans oblivious to feces? Proof? Have you seen the cognitive dissonance that becomes engaged by an animal lover's brain when you discuss the feces littering animals do to neighborhood yards or the putrid smells found in pet homes? You can literally hear the sound of the brain cells colliding into each other trying to cover the negative tracks of pet ownership (that is if you can hear anything over the incessant barking.) 

So far our analysis has been descriptive only. We have sought to show you that pet ownership is dangerous. Dirty. And disgusting. But there is more. 

The Sick Society 

Pet mania isn't just an annoying fad for non-pet lovers, it's a serious sign there is something wrong with society. 

The Necrophillic diagnosis can be applied to individuals, but it can also be used to diagnose societies. Fromm believed that you could use this classification to differentiate between sick and sane societies. Of course to call a society sick we must understand what it takes to have a Sane Society. Fromm would define a sane society thusly:

[It's sane if it meets the] 'Needs and passions which are specifically human... the need for relatedness, transcendence, rootedness, the need for a sense of identity and the need for a frame of orientation and devotion. ...[man's] destructiveness as well as his creativeness, every powerful desire which motivates man's actions, is rooted in this specific source... '

For nearly two centuries philosophers and social scientists have been warning Western people that our societies no longer provide the ground for these human needs. As Durkheim comments "the individual, free from all genuine social bonds, finds himself abandoned, isolated, and demoralized. Society becomes a disorganized dust of individuals."

As Durkheim rightly points out we are all now a "disorganized dust of individuals" an isolated individual hidden within the Lonely Crowd.  Modern society no longer meets our human needs, so we must turn to a hodge podge of fabricated relief that allows us to live with these defects without becoming insane. [This is the cause of neurosis.] 

Our defects alienate us from our selves, they alienate us from others, so much so that the alienated person finds it almost impossible to remain by himself, because he is seized by the panic of experiencing nothingness. In addition capitalism through the Market Society has further imprinted upon us the need for the constant avoidance of pain, lonlieness, and fear through the consumption of goods that offer relief from its manufactured needs. We avoid feelings of estrangement in these societies through the reified consumption of those things. 

Nothing could be more emblematic of this process of reification in personal relationships than the modern dynamic of Tinder best expressed by the following quotation from Erik Fromm: "Love is often nothing but a favorable exchange between two people who get the most of what they can expect, considering their value on the personality market." I'm sure that sounds just like dating to you, my millennial friends? 

When individuals are this estranged its no wonder they no longer connect humanely with each other. A market system designed to squeeze profit from everywhere devalues the effort that connecting with others requires. But alienation is a horrific way to live. So we do the best we can to cope. We buy the unconditional love of a pet. We consume the adoration of it's unsophisticated mind. We alleviate our boredom, lack of emotion, and the loneliness of our lives through sublimation; transfering and projecting anthropomorphical feelings of devotion to our animal companions. 

We have so anthropomorphised our pets today that it is considered the height of ethics, philosophy, and morality among unsophisticates to confer upon canines a superior status over humanity. Out in the public square I hear the refrain constantly. We prefer our animals to you. In the 1800's such an utterance would have you placed in a madhouse. Full panopticon style. "We better  watch that guy!" People would say. Imagine telling those long ago liberals that dog sanctuaries are now better funded than homeless shelters, that entertainment sources would showcase grizzly atrocities of humans for fun, but would outlaw or self censor the equivalent images of animals. 

Even as late as the 1960's dog mania would have been considered insane. Sure there were movies like Old Yeller®, but no one would overhear you saying something so ridiculous as dogs or pets are morally superior to humans. Nor would organizations promote ideas that we should prefer the company of a pet over a Human. These ideas would have been shot down and labeled as neurosis as quickly as they were suggested. And it would have been immediately recognized for the misanthropy that it is. That's why earlier society slandered the crazy cat lady. We called her crazy because we knew full well what she wanted was a husband or at least some human connection. 

What could allow such an obvious neurosis like dog mania to go mainstream? It is the mistrust and estrangement bred within our market societies that allows such ideas to take hold? Not only does that market system seek to atomize and separate us, it seeks profit from the billions of dollars Americans spend on animals. Pet mania has convinced too many of us to spend recources on not just food and shelter for these creatures, but for toys, playthings, and all kinds of extravaganzas which further feeds our inclination to humanize these animals. 

No human society that offered a higher purpose or fed our spiritual selves would devalue the life of other humans so easily. A biophillic orientationed society would prevent other humans being treated as nearly a means to an end, or as an impediment to our selfish goals. Instead we'd seek  rewards found through human interaction. 


I know so many of you profess to care about your animal companions. You go so far as to purchase pet food that's made to be sold with the "people food." You find this trend to be cute, I find the trend to be quite disturbing. It's another way the culture  equalizes animals and humans. PETA and other animal rights activists  take advantage of this trend to push their pro animal, vegan, anti- human, and anti-science agenda. 

And while the pet enthusiasts pro animal agenda can count many victories in our culture they have done a terrible job teaching their new converts how to interact with their animal companions. When asked pet owners will admit to things like not being able to control their animals, and observations of distress that their lifestyles cause their pets. 

Take for instance how bored most dogs are. Dogs are pack animals who look to their leader for direction, but most owners are gone for hours a day at work. Even when the owners get home they rarely have time for directed play or time to satisfy the animals curiosity or desires. Owners lament the dog walk, sometimes offering to outsource this vital activity. They witness their pets insatiable need to stare and hover around their human 'parents.' Dog distress is a highly searched term on Google largely because no forethought is used by humans to help them decide if having a companionship is appropriate for the pet. 

Humans take little time to decide why they want a pet, usually it's just an effort to allievate their boredom, their loneliness, their emotional needs. Very little concern is given to the animal. Will it have proper food? Distraction? Will my absence affect this highly social animal? Does my dog or pet have a function or service it can ground its being into? The answer is invariably no. Even where service animals are found, one can see how the training has broken their spirit. Have you ever looked into the eyes of a service dog? They look miserable. Training animals to ignore their social instincts and work all day kills the natural joy & ignorance that nature has bequeathed on these stupid beasts. 

Instead of a blissful and natural life pets serve greedy, needy, and desperate people. And when they become a burden to those people they get disposed of it. The result, millions of feral cats and wild dogs are euthanized and the rest roam our streets causing untold damage. Many of these orphaned street pets end up attacking innocent pet free people. 


Whenever I inquire into the mind set behind pet ownership, pet owners respond with how much they love their animals and hate people. They list a set of behaviors that pets (but especially dogs) provide to them that could best described as bootlicking behaviors. Pets have absolute loyalty. Pets provide unconditional love. Pets are subject to my whims. It seems that what most pet owners are looking for in their interaction is the opposite of what they'd find in humans. Humans require reciprocity in relationships. But the average pet owner is tired of taking other's feelings into account. They want easy love they can turn on and off. They want nothing to be required of them. Feed a dog and it will show you far more loyalty than any person will. When asked to choose between their pets and a human stranger in danger a shocking amount will side with their animals. 

The reason we admire dogs so much is that exhibit the the same characteristics that will be beneficial in upcoming dictatorships: loyalty, bootlicking affection, unconditional affection. 
Pet maniacs despise the complexity of human interaction. They view complexity as a negative. Pet owners desire something predictable and easy. Pet owners desire constant affection and attention. And prefer the option and to shut the door and retreat from the relationship when it suits them. They enjoy the literal boot licking of pathetic creatures attempting to win their favor. Pet maniacs despise being forced to engage in human interaction. Pet maniacs actively hate humanity. Their contempt is unsurprising from my psychodynamic analysis. 

Pets provide stability and relief from a chaotic system. Where there was fear a pet can provide companionship . Where there is chaos a pet can provide calm. Pet Mania infantilizes the owners emotional states the same way an authoritarian strongman strokes the fearful needs of the masses by offering protection and safety within the collective. It's no surprise to me to see the rise of pet mania during a time of increasing unease and authoritarianism. 

What can be done about pet mania? 

What can we done about this predicament? Is there hope to cure a society as sick as ours? We can start by promoting further instances of the biophillic over the necrophillic orientation. We can promote political causes that allow for the productive powers of humanity to improve. We must dispose of the post modern attacks on rationality which question the nature of objectivity which allow everyone's opinion to be considered equally. 

In our daily lives we can speak up against attacks on the unique place that humans have in creation. We can't allow proclamations like animals have greater or equal moral worth to humanity to go unchallenged. We must display our disgust when animal rights activists compare the suffering of people to be subordinate to the plight of their animal brethren. The next time you hear one of these sickos suggest they'd rather spend time with an animal over a human, or how they don't trust humans that don't love animals you should shout them down. "You are the problem, lady. Your terrible behavior is the reason society is in collapse!" 

Further more, you could join my boycott against Titos® Vodka. Titos® advertisements brag "They are the vodka for dog people.®" Their slogan is: They support pet prosperity and rescue.™ 

Titos© supports animal life but somehow it never occurred to them that consumption of their product has deleterious effects on humans, they'd rather set a goal of prosperity for pets (whatever that could mean) than set a goal to limit the harm their addictive product makes in human society. Titos© could be promoting harm reduction by donating to charities for humans, but instead they chose to take the profits they make from harming people and divert it towards the prosperity of pets. That's literally the definition of species suicide. On a personal note, I just don't trust drunken dog owners. I've been attacked by too many dogs let loose by careless people to give them a benefit of doubt. 

In addition to our daily interactions non pet lover's should show compassion and kindness to other people. Our kindness will be a helpful example to pet lovers that it is humans that are capable of supreme sacrifices and reflective selfless behavior towards others. We must build loving families communities that bring out the best in all of us. 

Anticipating your objections:

I am under no illusions that given the prevailing orthodoxy of dog mania found in our culture that many of you reading this essay will find my ideas preposterous, or perhaps feel defensive because of them. My positions, no matter how clearly stated are likely to be misunderstood. 

When ideas like pet mania are shared by the vast majority of people they aquire a self reinforcing power with little need to justify themselves. But just because a majority has entrenched a dangerous idea within our community does not mean those with heterodox views should be silenced. Indeed what is required is exactly the opposite. 

I won't be able anticipate every objection that will be advanced against me, but I will attempt to millitate the silliest of your objections and the most preposterous of the fallacies you will offer. 

The easiest objection to anticipate is the weakest of all arguments that will be offered against me. I anticipate that most of you will attack me with what philosophers call the ad hominem or the personal attack. 

You do not trust humans who dislike animals. Instead of addressing my arguments you will argue that what what you have read here amounts to nothing more than the idiosyncratic hypotheses of an animal hater. I fully admit this. I am an animal hater. If your leg had been bitten and nearly severed from the bite of a vicious attack dog you'd probably carry a grudge too. But it matters not whether I'm an animal lover or hater. What matters is the truth of my claims. It is simply irrelevant to the matter whether I like animals or dislike them. In fact, you may be surprised that my argument actually takes pity on pets when subjugated by humans in the form of service animals, or when stripped of their natural place in nature. 

Despite those fallacious attempts to smear me, my proposal to diagnose insanity on this society because of pet mania is hardly idiosyncratic. It was the great Sigmund Freud who first proposed the idea that societies can be sick in his essay Civilization and it's Discontents. 

Some may disagree with my assertion that pet lovers exhibit a Necrophillic tendency, as well as my claim that market economies are driven by a Necrophilous orientation. However, these individuals may overlook the fact that pet owners often overlook their own hygiene standards and prioritize animals over humans. Additionally, market economies often rely on a mechanistic approach to organizing society. And It was not me, but the Frankfurt School of critical theory, that was the first to argue that the capitalist system's formation and domination stem from the reification of social relations, a byproduct of instrumental reason's mechanization.

The fact that so many of you will make these errors does not make your errors to be truths, and the fact that millions of people share the same mental pathology of pet mania with you, does not make  you sane people. Your mania has made you insane and you need a cure. It was the goal of psychodynamic theory to rid the world of neurosis, and there was no better practitioner of psychodynamic theory than the man I base my conjectures on, Eric Fromm. 

So it will be up to you fellow human to shake off and mitigate the economic forces that push and control you, that have stripped you and humanity of its connectivity and a frame of orientation. 

It will not be easy. Once we have removed the opiate against the socially patterned defect of pet mania, the manifest illnesses of alienation will make their appearance. Pet mania may partially fulfill some human needs, but neurosis is the consequence. Acquired pet mania  strips basic humanity from those inflicted with it. Neurotic pet lovers then project their broken humanity onto  others. 

In our insane world basic human needs no longer find easy fulfillment, so social insanity is the only result. Pet mania can only remain normalized as long as we live in this insane world of pet worship. I wish to rid the world of the psychosis of Pet Mania. Moving forward the only path to a Sane Society is living without it. I hope that you will join me in this fight. Your society's health depends on it. 

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