Everyone of my long time readers is well aware of my obsession with Forensics-here is a blog that about crime and psychology. The best part of the blog is the blogroll which lists a number of Psy blogs I was unaware of. What follows is a post of the third most famous scientific experiment from psychology!
Psychology and Crime News Blog Archive British replication of the Stanford Prison Experiment - new publications:
"Back in December 2001 British social psychologists Alex Haslam and Steve Reicher conducted a replication of Philip Zimbardo's classic Stanford Prison Experiment.
Fifteen male participants were divided into prisoners and guards and kept in a specially constructed prison for eight days, in order to explore theoretical ideas about the psychology of power and resistance, tyranny and order.
The whole experiment was filmed by the BBC and broadcast in the BBC2 programme. The Experiment. The study was controversial, not only from an ethical standpoint, but also because it challenged many of the original Stanford findings, and Reicher and Haslam had to devote a fair amount of energy to defending themselves."