Friday, February 24, 2006

Speciesism: a beastly concept

An essay by someone who hates PETA and animals almost as much as I hate them. He equates the concept of speciesism with Misanthropy.

"There are severe consequences of holding human life so cheap. For a start, it is demoralising, drumming home the notion that our lives are futile. There are practical implications too. Animal research has produced key medical breakthroughs, from insulin to heart transplants to vaccines. Many of us would now be dead were it not for these discoveries.Now that animal rights concerns hold back research, this will mean needless human deaths in the future."

She also feels justified in "using animals in a controlled, conscious manner" and as I have argued "none of this" implies "that we should be nasty to or disinterested in animals. Wanton torture is wrong, though less because of the pain it causes to the animal than because it reflects badly upon the torturer."

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