Monday, December 27, 2021

I'm 51. Welcome to my America where everyone is a failure too.


I'm 50 now and I have no idea what I am doing with my life. Of course if you have been reading this blog for any time you probably figured that out already. 

After years of subsidy living in a condo that was rented to me at below market level the good times are over. I'll be looking for a new place to live in the worst rental market in years.

Truth is living by yourself is the fastest way to poverty in the new economy. And it's also impossible to room alone in the Phoenix area. Studios go for more than I make in a month and 1 bedroom apartments cost more than owning 3 trailer homes in Arkansas.

I may have to travel back to Palmetto (aka the palm ghetto) or live with some friends here and rent a room from them. Either way it's just more proof that I'm a loser. I have 20 year old friends that have their own house and car and sometimes I can't afford to uber home when I have groceries. I mean when milenial's figure life out before you, you've got some explaining to do. And the truth is I just don't have an explanation other than ineptitude. 

Now the only good thing about being a failure these days is that a lot of you are going to be joining me. The middle class is crumbling. And frankly, I can't wait to see you smug asshats who talked up the triumph of capitalism to take it on the chin. It's the end of the American Century™ and living standards are declining. Now is the time to give up hope. Just like me.