Monday, December 27, 2021

I'm 51. Welcome to my America where everyone is a failure too.


I'm 50 now and I have no idea what I am doing with my life. Of course if you have been reading this blog for any time you probably figured that out already. 

After years of subsidy living in a condo that was rented to me at below market level the good times are over. I'll be looking for a new place to live in the worst rental market in years.

Truth is living by yourself is the fastest way to poverty in the new economy. And it's also impossible to room alone in the Phoenix area. Studios go for more than I make in a month and 1 bedroom apartments cost more than owning 3 trailer homes in Arkansas.

I may have to travel back to Palmetto (aka the palm ghetto) or live with some friends here and rent a room from them. Either way it's just more proof that I'm a loser. I have 20 year old friends that have their own house and car and sometimes I can't afford to uber home when I have groceries. I mean when milenial's figure life out before you, you've got some explaining to do. And the truth is I just don't have an explanation other than ineptitude. 

Now the only good thing about being a failure these days is that a lot of you are going to be joining me. The middle class is crumbling. And frankly, I can't wait to see you smug asshats who talked up the triumph of capitalism to take it on the chin. It's the end of the American Century™ and living standards are declining. Now is the time to give up hope. Just like me. 

Tuesday, September 07, 2021

I finally decide to write something about OnlyFans® girls.

OnlyFans® girls can suck my tits.

I finally decided to write something about OnlyFans® girls. Though not like the insults your dream imagery comes up with, where you see yourself gutting the bellies of pregnant women with garden shears. Watching as the embryonic fluid drains out of the fetus sack, the unborn clumsily grasp with their just formed stumps on the way down. Sometimes though they get stuck in the sack and you have to stick your hand up there and give 'em a yank, holding on to their tiny defenseless fingers like you're going to cross the street with them. 

"Little Billy watch both ways!" You'd shout!

"Watch out for the shears!" Would have been better. 

🎵 Killing in the name of...🎵

The funny thing about killing a fetus is that you never hear it scream. Which makes it easy to see how a fetus isn't that human to a feminist. Instead it just struggles to breathe and stares up at you blinking from the cold concrete floor with unknowing eyes. 

Now I know a lot of you folks reading those last few paragraphs are gonna turn around and get offended. Accusing me of writing something horrible. But I call hypocrisy! It's not like I'm one of you left wing hippy do-gooders going around promoting abortions. 

I mean what exactly do you think happens during an abortion? Kid gets a lollipop at the end? No. He gets a lobotomy when a fucking vacuum tube sucks in his skull. 
You liberals are always defending the indefensible and then getting offended at the slightest clap back despite protesting all along that what you really care about is 'free speech.'

Grow up you bastards. And learn how to take a joke. 

The surplus humanity 

Speaking of parasites. It was recently announced that OnlyFans® would be shutting down all their pay for play pornography on their website. 

If you've been on Tik Tok anytime after that announcement then you are witnessing a bunch of entitled 18 year old girls having a come to Jesus moment. Honestly some of the breakdowns are off the charts hilarious

Most of these women are agast at having to get real jobs and their true feelings about work & the entitlement they feel men owe them is shining through. 

What the Taliban gets right about women:

The proper question isn't what does the Taliban gets right about women (everything) it's what's to be done about women. 

In earlier times the physical inferiority of women forced their dependence on men. Ethically this led to the stunted moral development of modern women who reinforce their dependence on men through obsolete mating strategies like hypergamy and through the sexual selection of ultra masculine & aggressive males. These outmoded mating strategies only reinforce the tools of male domination. 

Historically men answered the physical dependence of women by taking on the role of protector. By becoming a provider or father. This dangerous and undemocratic response remains the patriarchial solution of the Taliban, but that solution is no longer compatible with modernity. Women no longer want men to control them or their bodies. And the ultra feminists insist what they really want is [true] equality. 

Ironically the tellos of history is nothing other than the male's attempt to teach the female (and its leeching offspring) to break free of evolution and become an independent and democratically autonomous creature. But shunting off hundreds of thousands of years female evolution is no easy matter. 

Today the female still remains dependent for it's existence upon the male gaze. We see this no place more directly than on OnlyFans® through the simp soliciting activity so called content providers use to procure resources. 

Re-framing male exploitation as female empowerment. 

The best trick the blue pill agenda™ ever pulled was convincing us that the exploitation of males doesn't exist. But in fact the symbiotic relationship evolution cultivated for females has from the very beginning allowed women to profit from male work, protection, and civilizational advancement. 

I know you liberals (aka Feminists) want to reframe pornography, prostitution, and sex work as nothing more than female empowerment. Females proudly announce their status as sex workers with the battle cry that sex work is real work. Though when not enjoying their girl power some feminists characterize sex work as nearly the sexual and mental abuse of women by toxic males. [All hetero sex is rape.] 

But let's get real. Prostitution, pornography, and sex work isn't female empowerment. Nor is it real productive work. Instead it is nothing other than damaged women taking advantage of the male sex drive. When men fall victim to their natural desires they can be extorted for money and recources by unscrupulous women. provides women with easy access to desperate men with fat pocketbooks. 

Now does the sex trade only harm men, or does it damage women too? Absolutely, sex work hurts women! Few women would be enticed into these activities if they had better options, or if they themselves weren't being exploited by (dark triad) men or if they didn't come from broken homes. 


Your typical OnlyFans® girl has been over educated with the wrong kinds of sociology. She's digested Dworkin and an infinite amount of Critical Theory. And yet... OnlyFans® girls are divorced from the material conditions that gave rise to these critiques. 

Most of us on the left have cheered the idea of Anti-Work and the development of class consciousness in the younger generation since the Great Resignation. But Generation Z's ideological thinking is Utopian. Divorced from the mode of production when pushed about their ideas they simply present a vision filled with hope for harmony & perfection. They lack empirical inquiry, they would prefer to to tell you how things should be, instead of how they are. 

Karl Marx warned against this kind of utopian thinking. None of the young people on Reddit or Tik Tok complaining about Capitalism have even worked long enough to be truly alienated from work. Unless you call adding your venmo to your Tinder profile work. Nowadays if a young person actually shows up to work they rarely make it through a first shift. 

And it's not because they are out organizing unions or protesting conditions, it's because these young women simply don't like the idea of the drudgery required by most work. They feel entitled to the comforts of workers who have toiled for years. They expect to be given only the most interesting jobs that somehow jive with their leftists values and ecological concerns. They are so bold as to ask why they should even have to work or make money to survive? As if they are immune from the struggle for survival that every other animal encounters in nature. 

These women are also angry because they somewhere they read an article or saw a news item on PBS that the 1% have gotten a bigger share of wealth over the last 40 years or so. They forget that none of that money was there's to begin with. They didn't create it. They've been coasting through life on the backs of institutions & their parents since they were born. 

So their experience in the economy is that most work is boring, but that's because they are new workers with no skills. Why would they be entitled to something else? Furthermore; they are jealous of supervisors and entrepreneurs who they think have it easy, because they've read that the boss takes all the money that  employees create. They've read how economic growth equals environmental degradation, but they've never encountered the argument that growth leads to prosperity. The kind of prosperity where young people question why work is even necessary. They've read how Patriarchy keeps women from being paid equal, but don't accept that working longer hours in professions that are dirty or dangerous might make them more money. They've heard all these left wing talking points without absorbing the counter arguments and they decide work really isn't really for them. Someone else can work. Someone else can build the society they take for granted. Instead they will beg for money or trade their sexual desirability for cash while they can. 

None of these women understand even the basics of economics and few have any practical knowledge of the world of work. They didn't grow up on the factory floor. So none of them understand what it takes to run a buisness or society. Many are simply lazy. None would ever volanteer to work the dangerous or physically demanding high paying jobs that society requires for functioning. Too few women build bridges or fix automobiles. An OnlyFans® girl doesn't understand what it takes to keep the lights on. And most of what they believe about how economies work is demonstrably false. 

Findom: The vicious Sociopathy disquised as a fetish. 

If you are looking for confirmation in what I have been telling you about leftists and women, then you need look no further than the so called fetish of financial domination

I first discovered this fetish a few years ago after watching a Vice documentary.  Financial domination is one of the growing bizarre and twisted forms of sexual interaction fed by the instant and ubiquitous access to pornography that conservative Christians warned us about in the 1970's. And frankly, nothing makes me sadder than a group of Christians being right about anything. 

So what is findom? 

The fetish is simply men giving money to young women in effect for doing nothing. The women (and it is exclusively women) who engage in this crime are the final embodiment of what's wrong in society and the ultimate expression of female evolution. 

It's not a kink it's a business filled with the dehumanization of men. 

Findom grew out of BDSM. It used to be the dirty little secret of high powered CEO'S or hard core kink folks. But with the merging of kink and social media findom has become a worldwide buisness. Few of the women who engage in the practice of findom on social media are actually sexually aroused by financial domination or any Kink at all, but aroused only by the quick and easy access to their expolited victims bank accounts. 

"Who are findom’s best customers? The addicts.  For some, being seduced into handing over your cash is a massive rush. In the same way that people can become addicted to porn, they can also become addicted to Findom.

Porn addiction is becoming addicted to sexual stimuli you’re watching on a screen. Findom is essentially the same thing. The difference is that this sexual stimuli talks back."

Arguments for the existence of the kink aren't very good and mostly don't exist. 

If you ever ask the practicioners of the kink for an ethical justification for findom they usually don't have any. When pressed someone will start the argument off with free will. It should be rather telling to you that they don't begin the defense of the kink by describing how much they enjoy the kink or want to participate in it, instead they rely upon the idea of 'consensual agreement.'

Only that argument breaks down right away. If you ask any findomme you will discover that they rate most of their customers as "time wasters" because most dommes just want the addict who is willing to fork over his life savings and then go bankrupt. 

Of course addicts can't give concent. No one really believes that a Crack addict is giving consent when they say they want to buy a drug, and no one admires drug dealers who take advantage of sick people who are addicted to things like heroin or crack. Likewise, no one should admire findommes who exploit the sexual perversions of men who are addicted to this fraud like scheme.

Without a logical argument for this perverse kink would you believe the dommes who take advantage of these men feel any guilt? Well when asked here's how one responded:

"When asked whether she ever feels guilty taking money from men, Maria replied: “I have never felt guilty taking money from men. I’ve experienced so much sexual harassment and assault in my lifeso many unsolicited dick pics during my experience in online sex work. I actually see it as reparations for the patriarchy."

The dangers of Findom. 

The dangers and consequences of financial domination are not just financial, they include many other areas including social, interpersonal,  one's health and wellbeing:

  • Lack of money / poverty
  • Inability to appreciate sexual intercourse or reach orgasm without fantasizing about submitting financially to ones Domme (development of a fetish)
  • Loneliness and social issues
  • Guilt and 'secrets'
  • Loss of job
  • Divorce
  • Bankruptcy
  • Valuable time wasted
  • Decreased academic/job performance
  • Addiction
  • Assaulted self-esteem
  • Depression and unhappiness
  • Poor, unhealthy lifestyle
  • A wasted life
Now I think the natural response to learning about this fetish is to deplore the men who partake of it. To be disgusted by their submission and to the often pathetic displays of cuckmanship that these groveling men display.  Forking all of your hard earned money over to anonymous women that you've never met just so they can laugh at how sad you are makes these men easy targets. Society doesn't respect these men & the women who abuse them don't even see them as human. 

But let's drop the term fetish here, it's better to use terms like theft or fraud to get a better understanding of the dynamic between these particular E-girls and their male victims. 

The financial dominatrix often uses tactics like threats or blackmail to force the victim to comply with additional requests for money {called tribute.} Many dommes take embarrassing screenshots of their interactions with their victims which often include compromising pictures that could be posted online to embarrass and humiliate said victims. 

Despite these threats many men make the heroic attempt to quit their addiction. But they arent out of the fire just yet. Many dominatrixes advertise to men about relapsing, going so far as to call the addiction good for you. That's like allowing crack dealers to host TV ads in recovery clinics about high you can get on Crack! Outrageous! 

Feminization & the destruction of the male gender. 

As the male gets deeper into his addiction of findom he will pass through several stages of findom. 
  1. Fantasy slave 
  2. Media fantasist 
  3. Junior 
  4. Mature 
  5. Dehumanization 
  6. Celibacy 
  7. Feminization 
  8. Castration 
In conclusion, OnlyFans® is nothing more than the legalized exploitation of men and its logical personification in financial domination is nothing other than the extortion and destruction of men. 

Financial domination is an extreme sexual deviancy that portends the future. A lost generation of woke women who reject the traditional value of being a woman, who weren't taught the values of hard work, who devalue themselves and their sexuality as merely an exchangeable commodity (and probably their only one) who blame men for a system of control {the background radiation of patriarchy} that their own biology presupposes. 

These OnlyFans® girl fails to understand the fundamentally precarious nature of building a society.  They take advantage of what's been previously built and assume by magic that it will continue. Rather than assume the hard task of building these women prefer to sit around in their pajamas and eat Doritis® and have men send them money for the mere fact that they exist. What do these women bring to the encounter? They bring three or four step kids, a well punished vagina, and their soon to be fading looks. They use those looks to entice men. Then they brainwash and wallet rape them with the same false ideologies of female dominance and toxic masculinity that they themselves were inculcated with by the Blue Pill Agenda.™

Can there be any doubt why men feel betrayed by women? Why they are going their own way? Is there any hope for a society based on structures like these? Can we survive the ideological and sociological attempts at reframing our past, present, and future? I think not. 

In the coming days it will be the job of this blog and my podcast to expose to the world how left wing sociology & the various ideologies that have spawned from it have become dangerous to human life. It won't be easy my friends. These ideologies have become quasi-religious. They punish anyone with a differing opinion, because they assume all differing opinions are based in privilege or power. They will attempt to silence our investigation. But we will stand firm in our convictions. And we will let truth be our guide. Thank you so much for taking the time to read about how these concerns could ultimately lead to End of the World. 

Until next time my friends... take care of yourselves and each other. 

Romius T. 

Got findom? 

How to stop resources

Friday, July 23, 2021

The Unbearable Lightness of Being

My life sucks. It sucks so bad that it's inappropriate to wax philosophic about it.

Alas, it's even getting boring to complain about how much I hate my life. I don't know how many times you guys need to read this. I'm guessing you don't need to at all., and I don't blame you. It's the end of the world with the world ending in a whimper. Only at the upper end of the world status of rich countries we are just beginning to notice. 

I'm one of the richest people in the world by simply having been born into one of those rich countries. Which just goes to show you that there is no justice in the world. Most of the world can't afford access to clean water. But I never hear those people complain. Are all you really poor people just not on Twitter? 

You guys may not complain, but I like to complain.  Like how it sucks that all my basic needs are met. Pro tip to real poor people getting all the stuff you need only takes away a certain kind of misery. The kind of not happy I am could probably be changed with some Prozac.

But I won't do that. Nor will I change jobs, or do anything else to make my life possibly better. I guess unlike some of you, the genuinely happy I don't forsee the possibility of being happy. Anywhere or anytime.

There's a level of self deception that I'm simply incapable of engaging if I want to be happy. Don't get me wrong. My refusal to deceive isn't based on some high moral principle, but just because I'm incapable of seeing myself as anything but the loser I am.

That's not to say I never have fun.

Today, I told a conspiracy theorist who visits my store about my aliens, virus, and artificial intelligence theory and he was like, 'that's plausible.'

So yeah.

Also, I saw my niece and she seemed as depressed as me so I think depression is genetic.

Tuesday, July 06, 2021

Friend Zoned! Evolutionary Psychology & Mating in Humans: What the Red Pill Gets Right & And What it Fails to Criticize

When you've been ugly & unwanted your whole life you often get accused of being bitter towards the opposite sex. Today, if you express an opinion that doesn't celebrate or empower the female gender you then also get accused of things like being a misogynist. And if you dare to actually criticize women, or point out that females have certain advantages as well as disadvantages in life, well then you're considered worse than Hitler. Not only are your views not taken seriously, but you will be labeled as a hate filled asshole and pathetic. 

Want some proof? All you have to do is examine how society treats the red pill gang on Reddit, the MGTOW folks on YouTube, or the Incels from 4 Chan. All you will find there are ad hominen attacks. Men's Rights activists are seen as nothing other than a bunch of neck bearded, unkempt, basement dwellers who oppose female equality and abuse women online or in person. There's rarely any effort expended at grappling with the ideas that these men produce. One simply takes a statement from one of the more extreme bombastic members as a fact of how all men really think. You don't need to engage their ideas, all you need to do is make fun of a bunch of virgins that can't get laid.*

I'm sure it's fun to take a whipping stick to these guys, but you might be surprised to learn that what a lot of these social misfits are discussing is backed by science. The science of Evolutionary Psychology to be exact. 

I know what your immediate reaction is if you've heard of Evolutionary Psychology. Scientifically, it's just a bunch of just so stories. (3) Evolutionary Psychology is nothing more than a so-called science that uses broad stereotypes of human behavior to back up conventional and conservative thinking. Frankly, I've often accused EP of the same thing. I've discussed my distaste for evocative niche-picking with bored friends before. Now that I've had a change of heart, I guess I should apologize to Sandra Scarr for doubting her. 

While listening to a recent podcast from Sam Harris where he interviewed the famous evolutionary psychologist David Buss I was struck by the similarities between much of the conversation in the Red Pill Community and the conversation that Buss was having with Harris. 

Guys in the MRM [Men's Rights Movement] talk about how our monogamous society is returning to our slightly polgynous past. They warn society that the supply and demand of mates is out of wack and how this inbalance threatens society. They talk about hypergamy, mate selection theory, symmetry, the ugly guy syndrome, alpha males, orbiting back- ups and more. 

Now that either says something interesting about the conversation in the red pill movement, or it makes your opinion of evolutionary psychology even lower than it already was. 

The inspiration behind the interview in Harris' podcast was Buss' latest book titled: Men Behaving Badly: The hidden roots of sexual deception, harassment, and assault.  Buss discusses his book along with evolutionary psychology  with Sam. 

Immediately the conversation begins with Harris asking Buss about the controversy surrounding  evolutionary psychology. Why is evolutionary psychology so looked down upon? Buss defends EP by contending that much of the controversy around evolutionary psychology is a result of conceptual errors that people make about how evolutionary theory applies to humans. He even thinks that major text books make this same error. He points out how most psychology majors never take a course on EP. Remarkably he states that one can graduate with a PhD in psychology without ever taking even a single course on evolutionary psychology. 

Buss goes on to make several points about why he thinks critics don't accept Evolutionary Psychology. I've identified 8 possible points of controversy in evolutionary psychology. 
  1. Offends the religious right 
  2. Offends leftists 
  3. Critics object to even the possibility of sex differences between men and women 
  4. EP covers controversial topics like rape and abuse 
  5. Naturalistic fallacy
  6. Ignores the roll of culture 
  7. Proximate vs. Ultimate causes 
  8. Replication crisis & WEIRD crisis 
Before I get into his defense of EP I should note that Buss is not at all a Men's Right's guy. In fact his book was heavily criticized by many red pill adherents as being anti-male, partly because of his emphasis that males are responsible for the majority of extreme violence, his concern of the dark triad personality in men, and his insistence on covering sexual coercion and possible solutions. 

So let's talk about why Evolutionary Psychology might be controversial among people. The culture wars have not spared science. Many religious people object to Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection. They don't accept a naturalistic explanation for human origins; therefore, they unsurprisingly don't accept EP's findings or framing (even if they could agree with the potential stereotypes of sex roles that spring out of the science.) 

On the left, we have concerns that finding a genetic basis for an attitude or behavior could keep us from adapting new behaviors or justify  discrimination against (usually) women. Secondly, many people on the left absolutely refuse to accept that any differences exist between the sexes. 

To illustrate I remember one conversation I was having with a bunch of my friends. You should know that most of my friends are highly educated liberals. Somehow the conversation came to upper body strength and I mentioned that on average men have greater upper body strength than women. 

I was instantly poo-pooed for saying that. I further articulated my point by explaining that our species is dimorphic - that is that men are physically bigger than women (again) on average. This fact (and I kept repeating that 'hey it is a fact') men are bigger and they have greater upper body strength was denied. My friends would shake their heads at me. Now normally this group's opinions are fairly consistent with scentific findings and research. I was flummoxed by their denial of a concrete fact. I think at one point I asked the women to stand up so they could see they were smaller than their mates. Basically, I was told I was just wrong and everyone wanted to end that conversation.


So you can see that even well meaning, highly educated, liberal, scientifically minded folks can break down over an issue like this. 

You can also see how some of these concerns melt into one another. Just mentioning sex differences was controversial. The discussion elicited strong emotional reactions from even the men that genetic differences could play a role here. 

I think that's because many of my friends were operating under the presumption that I was making a naturalistic fallacy. I think they were concerned that I was arguing that because men and women have naturally different sizes and strength that those size differences could allow men to dominate women and that would a a good thing because nature has built us this way. Of course that was not my argument. I simply made a statement of fact that I assumed we all agreed upon. 

Even if those problems didn't cause you to doubt the science in EP, science itself is having a bit of a replication crisis. A great deal of social science that has come during the past few decades has been potentially faulty. It turns out that generalizing from the so called WEIRD kids may not have been a good idea. WEIRD is an acronym that stands for white educated industrialized rich democracies which is where most researchers gathered their subjects, aka the rich white students in college from Western universities that they taught at. 

A number of newer studies have been unable to repeat the findings of earlier landmark studies. This calls into question a great deal of social science and has been a particularly thorny problem in current research. 

In the Sam Harris podcast David Buss responds to a number of the criticisms thrown his way about evolutionary psychology. 


Buss suggests that that the replication crisis in science is confined to Social Psychology. 

While I'll agree with him that Social Psychology was particularly hit hard by this scandal, it's hardly alone in Social Science. Buss goes on to argue that EP is exempt from those concerns because it's more likely than other social sciences to use large cross cultural studies in its research, so he doesn't need to rely on just college students for his studies. He also bragged that the findings of EP - specifically sex differences in mating strategies and mate selection are much higher in magnitude than normal social science findings & are highly replicatible.(2)

While he defended the general strength of EP as a science he does mention how one particular favorite theory in EP that received a great deal of reporting, (a finding that women prefer men with more physical symmetry and masculinity when ovulating) was having some difficulty replicating. 

I think Buss brings up this point because he has a different theory about mate selection. He calls his theory 'the mate switching hypothesis.' A bit later I'll talk about how I think his theory corresponds to the incel talk around male orbiters & the friend zone. 


Before we get to Buss' theory and it's connections with Red Pill activism we need to discuss a little bit about the basics behind Evolutionary Psychology. 

I know. I'll try and keep this short to avoid sounding too much like a text book! 

First, here's a list of differences between men and women that according to the book Human Diversity by Charles Murray who says he has discovered a number of non controversial ideas that relate to evolutionary psychology in neuroscience and genetics. 
  • Sex differences are consistent worldwide and tend to only widen in more gender egalitarian cultures 
  • On average females worldwide have advantages in verbal ability and social cognition while males have advantages in visual spatial abilities and in the extremes of mathematical ability
  • On average women worldwide are more attracted to vocations centered on people and men to vocations centered on things
  • Many sex differences in the brain are coordinated with sex differences in personality abilities and social behavior
Besides this list the evolved differences between the sexes also include a dramatic difference in physiology and a dramatic asymmetry in knowledge about parenthood.

To begin with physiological differences between the sexes include not just physical size, but the size of the sex cells. Males have small sex cells and females have large sex cells. These size differences foreshadow the drastic parental investment differences the sexes encounter. Women must physically allocate 9 months of parental investment while men may only donate a few seconds of a coughing out an orgasm. 

The second big difference in the sexes is knowledge of paternity. Women know with certainty that they are the mother.  A father on the other hand can only guess about paternity at least that was the case until the recent developments in DNA technology. 

Evolutionary psychology predicts different psychology and behavioral strategies based on those different adaptive problems in the sexes. The most important differences will be in mating strategy. The men's rights gang seems preoccupied by the different mating strategies of women and you could say they take it personally. 

Some basic facts on what men and women want from sex. 

Men seek novelty of sex partners. And typically have a higher sex drive. Historically it is believed by EP that humans are a slightly polygynous species. That is one male with multiple female partners. One reason for this was our ancestors often faced brutal warfare over access to females which often left the tribe with fewer available males for mating. (4)

IF men are willing to go to war for women, you can see why women typically underestimate male sexual interest in females. Another finding in EP is that males typically overestimate female interest in them. In one experimental study 75 percent of all men said yes to a possible sex encounter with a female stranger. Not a single female agreed to a random stranger asking for casual sex to them. 

Men and woman are built quite different. Men are typically attempting to spread their seed so to speak it makes sense then that successful men would presume female interest. Otherwise they'd never approach females. Likewise with so many male seekers it makes sense that woman are more discerning about the men who pursue them. 

Males that overestimate female interest and who pursue short term dating strategies combined with the dark triad of personality are the most dangerous types of men for women. Though many females simply mistake those men's aggressive approach with confidence, because dangerous men have traits that females prefer like risk taking, leadership, and charm. Dark triad men are often quite charming because they are willing to lie to prospective mates for short term sex. 

According to Buss MOST men aren't that dangerous, but when men with Short Term Dating Strategies come with the dark triad of personality type, that is (narcissism, Machiavellianism, psychopath) they can be especially dangerous to their partners. Dark Triad men typically have higher rates of stalking, harrasment, and violent mate guarding. When males and females seek long term partners their interests and likes are more aligned. 

Another difference between the sexes: men have evolved to care more about a woman's looks because youth and looks are markers for health and offspring viability. Women typically care more about resources, social status, or the personality traits that signify those possibilities that would lead to a male accumulating resources or social status like industriousness, risk taking, and charm. 

The differences in mating strategy can also explain how so called mating discrepancies appear in couples, like why young women date older men. It also explains most CBS sitcoms AKA the tendency for attractive women to date an uglier man. Those men may not be as mismatched as it would serve at first sight. Those men may have access to resources that the female wants that other men don't have. 

Male infidelity strategies

Male infidelity makes evolutionary sense as parental investment by the male can be very small. Adding sex partners for males in a quick sex act only increases the chances of his offspring surviving. Adding partners for females in general; however, does not increase a woman's chance at having more offspring. 

Men and women also care about different things in situations of a possible infidelity. In cases of infidelity women are more likely to want to know if the man has fallen in love with the other partner. They are worrying about the possibility of the male withdrawing resources or protection from her in favor of her rival. Men are more likely to worry about potential intercourse in female indefinitely because of the possibility of a confusing paternity. 

In general women behave differently in the infidelity as well.  Women fall in love with their partners when they commit infidelity, because women typically have an affair when they are unhappy in a relationship. The rates for women becoming romantically involved in their affairs are around 70%; whereas men typically do not focus on love and even take precautions to avoid the possibility. If men aren't unhappy in their extra marital affairs why are they having them? Some of the reasons include men having a higher sex drive than women and the males tendency to seek partner novelty. The higher sex drive and search for novelty are why men often have affairs even in perfectly happy unions. 


I spoke earlier of one explanation that tried to make sense of female infidelity. We will call that hypothesis the good gene theory. Traditionally, it was thought that women would only cheat on a partner who provided resources with a man that had a better genetic profile. Stay with the dad bod guy to raise the kids and cheat with the good looking bad boy. If you look at online forums you will see tons of incels who talk about how easy the symmetrical Chad's have it over the ugly guy incels like them. They berate themselves for not being good looking enough and criticize women for a double standard on lookism. They mention the 80/20 standard the idea that the majority of women try and get with the top 20 percent of men which leaves the majority of men without partners. This is part of the incel criticism of female mating strategies like hypergamy and polgyny. 

Buss takes issue with that theory in favor of his mate switching hypothesis which he says makes more sense of the data. 

Buss argues that female infidelity isn't powered by gene chasing, but by partner switching. "Females" he says "typically cheat when they are unhappy with the relationship whereas men will cheat even if they are happy in their relationship."


Mate switching also explains another problem red pill guys talk about the friend zone which involves beta males as "orbiters" around attractive women. Many red pill followers say women keep interested men around in the friend zone as back ups in case they decide to leave their current partner. Because men stuck in the friend zone typically infer {how to know if you are stuck in the friend zone} more sexual interest from their female counterparts than the females have for them the men often develop bitter feelings of resentment in the friend zone relationship. 

Women are typically unconscious of these ideas and thus interpret the anger or bitterness from their male counterparts radically different from the males. One simply need look at social media for how women view their orbiters as needy, demanding, and entitled. But of course if what women are doing is keeping all these hanger on's for the possibility of mate switching when they tire of their current sex partners, or use their orbiters to get companionship and resources without having to commit then the bitterness of being in the friend zone is more understandable. 

I see two theories that explain the friend zone. The first is what I'll call the deception theory. The deception theory is advocated by feminists who contend that men who've been Friend Zoned are hiding their true intentions. They aren't interested in being friends they want a romantic relationship and when they are called on it they become defensive and angry. 

Of course the deception can run both ways. Incels suggest that it's the women who deceive by dangling partnership and a possible romantic relationship to a male by being inappropriately intimate with platonic friends in order to secure a beta male's time, commitment, protection, and resources without having to provide a romantic relationship with the male. The beta male 'orbits' or hangs around the female in the hopes that she will decide to select him all the while knowing she's really playing him for a simp. She's not really interested in the nice guy, she wants an Alpha. 


We need to question if the so called 'nice guy' in the friend zone is actually being deceptive in the first place. For years women have been telling men what they really want from men is what I call the Alan Alda Complex. The Alan Alda Complex is a set of ideas about how men should behave & treat women, that is a new moral code on how men should behave towards females. 
  • Men have been told to be nice. 
  • Don't be toxic or aggressive 
  • Stop cat calling 
  • Be sweet 
I believe many men misinterpreted this demand by females to stop harassing women as a signal for a new strategy for males to gain female companions. In fact females do not want anything different from their mates. They still want alpha males. They still want to be led in relationships. What they really want is unwanted attention from inferior males to end and protection from overly aggressive, dangerous males. 

The Alan Alda complex sweet guy is not a strategy for obtaining females, it's a demand for a new moral code on how to treat women. Males should understand that treating women in this manner will simply make them simps & won't make them be seen as viable mates. I'm not suggesting males become dangerously aggressive towards women or continue unwanted behavior towards women. But men need to know that if you are going to simp at be aware of what you will get from it. You will be friend zoned and taken advantage of. If you don't want to be Friend Zoned look towards the Men Going Their Own Way as your new moral code. Men shouldn't abuse women or give them unwanted attention, but don't need to provide unrequited love and resources either. 


When things do go wrong in a relationship it will usually be the woman that files for divorce. 80 percent of all divorce filings are by the female. 

Unsurprisingly again we find differences about why the sexes file for separation. Women file for divorce most often because of an economic indicator, for instance a job loss of their spouse. If a man loses his job he is basically asking for a divorce. Men's rights groups usually promulgate these stats with frequent warnings to men that "as soon as you lose your job your wife will leave you." You could say they are right. Job loss is the number one factor for why women file for divorce from men. The second is male infidelity. 

Women get divorced too and the main reason men file for divorce is infidelity. A woman's age increase is also correlated with divorce. The older the woman the more likely she becomes victim to a filing. Not unrelated when men remarry they tend to marry younger. The more marriages the younger the wife. By the third marriage men marry women 8 years younger than themselves. 

Step children & the abusive male 

The number one source of conflict in mixed (aka divorced and then newly wed families) is the presence of a step child in the home. The number 1 cause of death for step children under the age of 6 is being a step child. Women are 5x more likely to beaten when they bring children into another marriage. That's not to say it should be forgiven, but Sociobiology has a prediction and explanation for that. Some males simply don't want to invest resources into another father's children. One sees this in the animal kingdom all the time. 

Buss again makes a pain to point out that NOT ALL MALES are abusive towards step kids. Buss argues that his dark triad personality types who pursue STDS (cheaters in this context) make up the vast majority of abusers. They are serial abusers who harass, mate guard, stalk, and use violence against step children. 


Dangerous MALES are those that posses the three major characteristics of the dark triad which are: 
  • Narcissism: people with high egos and a sense of entitlement 
  • Machiavellianism: People who use others; they are liars, cheaters, and people who treat others as a means to an end. 
  • Psychopathy: lack of empathy. Men typically score higher on the index here than women. 
Modern environments may actually select for increased psychopathy, because many of the negative costs associated with these traits are no longer incurred like in traditional settings. 

For instance lack of empathy and using people would come at a high cost in traditional societies where most people knew each other. But modern environments allow greater anonymity moving from one big city to another big city. 

Internet dating 

Men can use dating sites that offer opportunity to exploit females who are looking for long term partners because dating apps facilitate short term hook ups. Men who use dating sites are typically looking for casual hook ups much more often than women with around 30 percent of all men on Tinder  being in a relationships or married. 

Dating apps introduce a number of other mate selection activation problems between males and females. Dating apps make the selection bias explicit because both women and men now have access to access thousands of mate possibilities instead of a few dozen in more traditional societies. 

Men with higher status and height (women have been surveyed to find men who are six feet more attractive -while men are known to fudge this) receive the highest response rates along with women who rate high on the attractiveness scale. According to EP most people shoot for mates that are 20 percent higher than themselves we find dating apps inadvertently reinforcing hypergamy (dating up) & lookism while inadvertently promoting a polygynous future. 

A return to polygyny 

Incels have been decrying the modern hypergamic trend for a while now. Incels tend to stress genetics and lookism along with superficial female behavior over other causes. 

I have suggested a different set of causes of hypergamy that include the break down of the middle class, loss of blue collar middle class jobs, the collapse of the industrial base which prevents large swaths of men from obtaining high paying jobs that could support a spouse and family.

I won't bore you with statistics about the colapse of male headed households, or how young people are having less sex, especially men. Young people lose their virginity later, have fewer relationships if any, and delay marriage and children (in fact without the addition of immigration the USA would not be at replacement rate for its population.) In addition to economic factors the break down of traditional values has freed women to start their own careers, seek out new family styles, and explore their sexual orientations all without necessity of finding a male. With these factors a return to polygyny and hypergamy seems highly likely especially given the easy facilitation of dating apps and the internet. A woman no longer has to find a male and settle down. She can have a child out of wedlock and depend on the government or her new same sex partner to provide for her. 

But there are long term problems for hypergamy and polygynous dating strategies.  They are an absolutely destabilizing force in society. The few studies about polygyny show break up rates near 90%. Polygyny also leaves a lot of young men without mates.  Men left alone at their height of their testosterone levels and given no purpose or promise to mate get bitter, violent, and throw away their lives to crime or wasteful activities like all day video gaming and extreme porn watching. 

What are some solutions? 

First we need to understand that sex difference denialism is unscientific and it actually harms women. EP provides predictions and explanations for problems we find in society between the sexes.  It even offers up solutions in some cases. 

For instance: Sociobilogical findings suggest that men and women perceive bad male behavior differently.  This has led many in EP to suggest solutions like repealing the "reasonable person standard" in the judicial system. Adding a more female centered regulation. 

EP also offers ways to protect women against sexual coercion. We shouldn't simply dismiss these recommendations as being anti-female.  Some of the techniques of EP are known to protect women:
  • Fear- women should be taught to listen to their natural fear of strange men.  Listen to your gut ladies. 
  • Body Guards-  One of the best techniques is for women to use trusted men and female companions to keep bad men away.
  • Tonic Mobility- We should all learn about tonic mobility as a pain prevention device and as an involuntary physical response to physical entrapment and not use it as an opportunity to blame the victim for inaction 
When asked about the question of polygyny directly, Dr. Buss hedged.  He said it was impossible to predict the future.  Basically he admitted that he didn't have a solution for the crisis. Someone in the talk offered up pornography as a possible solution for matelessness.  And one MRM creator the Better Bachelor suggests pornography as a replacement  for genuine relationships.  I don't think pornography is a solution.  It doesn't solve the problem of human companionship.  It's potentially addictive, I have talked elsewhere about the addictive and nightmare potential of extreme pornography.  Furthermore; I don't see how pornography addresses the coming under-population problem

Real solutions aren't simple. They would require a reorganization of society.  A universal basic income for starters that would allow the underclass some dignity.  Subsidies for child care and child rearing. And somewhat controversially I have suggested that we may need to keep some ideas from traditional patriarchal society. 

Evolutionary Psychology may not have all the answers, but it can be an important tool for understanding solutions to the ultimate causes for our adapted biological problems. We can no longer ignore it's research or it's advice. 

*(For a more sympathetic view of the Men's Rights Movement by a feminist see this documentary.)

(2) It should be noted that correlations in the social sciences are notorious for their weakness. See Charles Murray in the Bell Curve.

(3) A derogatory term for a hypothesis as it relates to EP and Sociobiology.

(4) Buss interviewed a group of tribesmen who suggested the only reason to go to war was access to women. They were astonished someone might go to war for democracy. 

Friday, June 25, 2021

Beauty Privilege & The Solitary Individual: The Coming Dominance of Female Centered Post- Patriarchial Society

If you're anything like me you spend most of your time alone at least all the time when you aren't being forced to socialize at work. If I could do my job remotely instead of in person and avoid all that human contact I would. The level of self isolation I prefer is that of a wounded animal that runs off to hide right before it dies. Let me die in peace, just don't consume my body.

I used think that my feelings on the subject of being alone were a bit unusual. But not anymore. The solitary individual is the new normal. Probably most of you who are reading/listening to this are single. And in the future at least 80 percent of you will be unattached.

Pretty privilege 

I was watching a Tik Tok video last night right before bed. I can't more strongly recommend against you doing so. I guess if you hate sleep and you enjoy feeling angry after watching stupid content from stupid people. 

In my case I watched a video where a chubby blonde complained about losing her pretty privilege. 

Oh, Boo-hoo

I don't know if it's the fact that I'm walking around with 5 more IQ points than you just ticking away like a time bomb, but sometimes I just have to explode at you with a rant. So here it is. 


So the video in question begins with a young woman in her mid 20's explaining that she has an eating disorder. During the pandemic she was away from her job and worked on controlling her disorder. She ended up gaining a lot of weight and becoming conventionally unattractive. Then she has a breakdown and cries uncontrollable sobs for herself on social media. 

Am I supposed to feel sorry for you? What because you're an unattractive emotional basket case who's beauty privledge got revoked? Welcome to the real world! The way you are being treated is the way the rest of us uglies have been treated our whole lives. You were just too pretty, too self absorbed and stuck up to notice. Thing is your beauty privilege protected you against the way most people behave around people, especially those they view as basically servants. When people go out to drink they want to be served. They aren't interested in the "the staff" as persons unless the servant can show them that they are not just a server. 

No one cares about anyone else. 

The rise of self checkout machines and other automated services have desensitized us to interactions with our fellow humans. Given the choice most of us (especially the younger generation) would choose not to interact with other people. I know the only time I interact with humans is if they have something I want. Like you are either sexually attractive to me, or you have something I desire like food or resources and I can't just push a button to get them. Otherwise, whenever I encounter you, you are simply an obstacle in the way of me getting the stuff I want. It's not deliberate attack against you. Most of this in an unconscious mechanism working behind the scenes of our mental constructs. 

Unattractive women who complain about the way men treat them are actually just experiencing the world the way men are treated in it, and they are horrified by the  experience of being a man. 

If you are a sexually attractive woman you have something other men want. Even other women grant you some respect because they know you are a fierce competitor for attention and resources. Men treat women they are attracted to with special care on the off chance that the woman will respond in kind. 

The bartender wondered why she never received eye contact after she got fat. When she greeted customers she no longer got enthusiastic replies. People simply gave their orders. "Two Bud Lights, please."

It seemed no one was interested in anything about her except her looks. And somehow this suprised this woman. Strange that customers who meet you while you perform a service job take no real interest in you the person. Why? Because they believe you are there to take an order or perform a function. Unless you have some other special status people aren't going to bother to get to know you. When I ring up your groceries no one cares or even needs to know about my special interest in reading secondary literature on 19th century philosophers. And honestly, why would they? They just want their groceries and they want to leave. 

We all want to live alone and be left alone. 

The bartender insists that one of the reasons people are rude and cruel to her is people fat hate. Yes, fat hate exists. But that's not the only reason people ignored her. It isn't just class based hatred of the working staff. Though plenty of people are dismissive of working people. I believe the real reason is that people are slowly socially evolving to become less interdependent on other people. Which means people give less thought to others. The pandemic has intensified a trend that has been growing for decades. We all want to live alone and not be bothered. There's been a trend towards people living alone in the USA. About 15 percent of Americans now live alone and that number has doubled over the last 50 years. It would be higher too, if more of us could afford to live alone. Some experts believe this tendency to live alone is actually increasing poverty and reducing affordable housing.

All Women Have Beauty Privileges

Complaining about no longer having beauty privileges is ironic when you are a woman. As a man I would like to have the problem of being just an ugly woman. Because even ugly women have privileges that men don't get. Women are trusted by God to protect and dish out the vagina. Because access to vagina is so important to men, most men {aka straight} bend over backwards to be nice women. Women must put up with advances they don't want, leering, objectification, and a host of other ills that you'll find covered on more female centric women's studies classes. It isn't the purpose of this blog to cover those stories. Instead we cover the stories people don't want to cover. Like Lady Privilege.™

Since the times of men draping their clean riding coats over mud holes, men have given women Lady Privilege.™ Women get social status and acknowledgement that being male does not afford you.

We've all read the statistics on attractiveness and the studied the halo effect in sociology 101 classes, so I don't feel the need to explain too much here. But basically the more attractive you are the more money you make and the nicer people are to you. People also assume you have qualities that you may not posses such as kindness. The difference in how we treat the good looking vs the ugly is analagous to how women and men are treated differently. 

And in particular it is the solitary man that is treated poorly. A man without a wife or family is basically a loser that society has little use for. Think of the juvenile male elephant that has been thrust out of the pack. In the case of many juvenile human males we have thrust them not simply from eye contact or respect for their individual personalities, but from society. They are thrown to the streets to commit crime, or to the sad loneliness of the mother's basement where they dribble out hate from keyboards on 4 Chan and other forums of misogyny.


In a strange twist of fate my particular self is an exception to many of the generalizations I make about solitary men. Unlike my incel brothers, who are often virgins, I've actually had sex. If I pursued relationships, I could probably worm my way into the heart of some tired middle aged woman with her fatherless children in tow. Like most of the ugly, solitary, incels though I've discovered that human companionship is not worth it.

I bring being single up so much to get you to understand that the future is solitary for us all. That the men trapped in basements and jerking to the hub are your future too. The future contains sex robots delivered from Amazon. Work from home and pandemics that kill the poor and those that go outside.

You probably don't believe me about your future. Maybe you're female and you've always benefited from the advantages of being a carrier of vagina. Being connected to society. The attention. Even when it's unwanted attention alerts you to your value and the desire society has for you. 

You might think that as a nearly attractive woman you are protected against experiences of being left out of society. That only the basement dwellers with their unwashed hair, bizarre hentai porn addictions, awkward social interactions, and general undesirableness will be deemed unfit for society. 

But you couldn't be more wrong. 

As industrial economy continues its collapse and good jobs disappear, more men will drop out of work and then society. That means they'll become less attractive to women. Fewer women will find suitable mates. Women will act out of desperation  from the new dating conventions and rely on dating apps and internet dating where they will fall victim to Chad's who only want to use women for sex, and when burned women will use the promise of their promiscuity to attract simps they can take advantage of. 

As I have discussed previously, simping will become the new pimping.™ The few alpha males left will continue on as if nothing has changed. The mass of men will drift towards some kind of MEN GOING THERE OWN WAY. And many subordinate males will drift towards worshiping and empowering females. All of society is headed to female supremacy. The forces behind it are the Breakdown of Western Culture and Values combined with a devastating decline in male hormones resulting in men developing the Alan Alda Syndrome. The Alan Alda syndrome of being the nice guy will become accepted by society not just because the alpha male is dying, but because social structure will not allow anything else. 


If you're female you will be wading into the pool of hyper-hypergamy. 80 to 90 percent of you will chase the top 20 or 10 percent of men. Most of you will fail. You'll get knocked up and become single moms. Bitter and despondent you'll turn to the social contagion of bi-sexuality out of yearning for companionship or the seemingly endless plasticity of female sexuality. (Remember the monkey sex studies anyone?) Then you'll become disillusioned by females because nothing is ever good enough for women and your biological instincts will demand to be dominated on occasion by the stick of masculinity. Eventually most of these pseudo-relationships will wither and die. Most women will date sporadically if at all. 


But a few women will take on a number of subordinate males and form a new society. A number of intelligent entrepreneurs will aquire subordinated males and gather them in. They will board together. The males will be submissive. They will give all their income to the Domme of the House. 

She will continue to use sex work to earn passive income from OnlyFans® and offer Venmo in her bio on her Tinder app. And she will turn her subs to prostitution to make the rest of her cash. She will convince or force her stable of subs through hypno brain washing and orgasm denial into watching other extreme pornography that will only further her control. 

A recently discovered manuscript detailed exactly how one domme managed to aquire and control six sub males. She began by playing domination hypnosis recordings at night to her subordinate males at just under audible levels. The use of hypnotic suggestion planted the seeds to gain rapid mind control over her "stable."


The manuscript which reportedly was designed with the purpose to train young initiate dommes on how to set up a 'household' as a pretext towards setting up a new female dominated society. Just think 'Handmaid's Tale' but with women in charge. 

It begins with hypnosis and moves banally through things like edge masturbation. The dommes are instructed to keep the subs in a dark enclosed room with headphones on and a tablet playing porn. The edge masturbation sessions start at a few hours a day, but eventually will last the entire time the sub is not working or sleeping.  The sub will be induced by drugs like caffeine, alcohol, marijuana, or even harder drugs. Perhaps PCP. 

The EXTREME PORNOGRAPHY will cycle through all sorts and various kinds. But each session and each kind of video will have a specific purpose. 
  1. Edge Masturbation. Edging fogs the mind and delivers endorphins allowing the mind to be controlled.
  2. Findom and Femdom. Extreme pornography that teaches extreme pro female viewpoints. 
  3. Humiliation porn. Pornography that degrades and abuses the male breaking down defenses and ego. 
  4. Forced bi-sexuality and forced gender emasculation. Removal of masculine traits. 
  5. Ruined orgasm pornography. Porn that devalues male pleasure and the penis.
  6. Castration videos. Porn that ends with the male hormone gone. Sometimes includes the removal of the penis. 
After one has subjected their group of males to these brainwashing techniques the dommes control is complete.  Once women gain control of the family and household of subs it is only a matter of time that women gain complete control of society.*

As one can see by my sketch of a possible female centered future, complaints about Beauty Privilege from the point of the view of the formerly beautiful are nonsensical. 

First, asking for advantages that are  unearned and immoral is shameful.  Women can't lose the Beauty Privilege anyway because they always have it over men.  Women misunderstand the role of beauty and attractiveness in the games of dating that play between the sexes.  The hyper-hypergamy of modern times leaves most men alone and worthless, and the upcoming future will dissatisfy most women to the point that they will initiate a non-democratic female version of the handmaid's tale where men will be forced to shed their masculinity and worship women. Just another reason we need to ban women's studies; otherwise, we must surrender to the female wave that is coming for men. 

*I have detailed the society I would expect to come about on my twitter account through a work of fiction. I am unable to locate the exact tweet. 

Saturday, June 19, 2021

Why they won't work anymore; The Horror of Living

I'm re-reading a bit of the Conspiracy Against the Human Race and thought how it applied to the current labor market here in the United States. In the Conspiracy humans are deceiving themselves into not accepting the terror of living because of their fear of death. 

It's quite similar to how poor people and low wage earners accept that corporations have neglected the low wage worker until Covid-19 came along. Suddenly, a number of jobs that were looked down on now seemed really important by the middle class. A lot of folks figured out they don't eat without a lot of low wage workers risking death for them. Even a few corporations (for a few weeks) noticed how important some of its lowest paid employees were. 

But that might be less important than the workers themselves gaining some knowledge and class consciousness. I think until the pandemic most people in low wage jobs didn't understand that they actually have great power in the economy. Without the hard work of farm workers, warehouse people, delivery drivers, grocers, and food establishments much of the work of the world stops. I think that lesson might have given some self esteem to workers who've always been demeaned historically. 

One section where the conspiracy got my attention is where Ligotti (the author) talks about the famous Russian writer Tolstoy. And if you know anything about Russians it's how unfunny and depressed they are. For instance when Vladimir Putin was asked about happiness, he replied "There's no happiness in life," "There's only a mirage on the horizon, so we'll cherish that."

But it's not just Putin. I was watching a YouTube video about life in Russia and the pretty Russian girl telling us about her apartment home and general life while she walked a crowded boulevard. She pointed out that in contrast to her time in the USA she noticed that Russians never smile at strangers because they think only stupid people smile. After all what's to be happy about? Russians are serious about things when it comes to life and death. 

Getting back toTolstoy there apparently there are 4 ways people deal with the ultimate question of human existence. It's the 4th way that seems most relevant to the labor situation:

"The fourth way out is that of weakness. It consists in seeing the truth of the situation and yet clinging to life, knowing in advance that nothing can come of it. People of this kind know that death is better than life, but not having the strength to act rationally—to end the deception quickly and kill themselves—they seem to wait for something. This is the escape of weakness, for if I know what is best and it is within my power, why not yield to what is best? … I found myself in that category."

I think we might all be in that category if it weren't for the fact that a lot of us are working so much that we don't take 5 minutes and think about our predicament as human beings. Not too mention that just about anyone who takes the time is mocked as a depressive kill joy because don't you just know that living in America is just super cool joy fun times. 

So, to continue our discussion of depressive philosophy Ligotti writes about the great philosopher of pessimism:

"In a section of The World as Will and Representation where Schopenhauer argues that only pain is real while pleasure is an illusion, the philosopher writes: “I cannot here withhold the statement that optimism, where it is not merely the thoughtless talk of those who harbor nothing but words under their shallow foreheads, seems to me to be not merely an absurd, but also a really wicked, way of thinking, a bitter mockery of the most unspeakable sufferings of mankind."

I think a lot of workers were blind to the horror of what they go through. They assumed the horror is natural. That it's not being imposed upon them, but instead is a reflection of the natural order. That there is thoughtless talk of optimism in their heads, implanted by the capitalist system. 

Again another passage from Ligotti:

"Optimistically wicked or not, most people cannot afford to care, or to care too much, if they are living in the best or the worst of all possible worlds. They can only care about the one thing that, if one is to think of being alive as being all right, is worth caring about—feeling good, or as good as possible, whatever “feeling good” might mean to a certain individual at a certain time. "

"By the same token, should our mass mind ever become discontented with the restricted pleasures doled out by nature, as well as disgruntled over the lack of restrictions on pain, we would omit the mandates of survival from our lives out of a stratospherically acerbic indignation."

Obviously, Ligotti is speaking here in philosophic terms. I would extend his thinking to terms of this analogy. Today people are becoming disgruntled over the amount of pleasure that the corporations have doled out via wages. When the pain of working everyday was lifted from them indignation about their lives stepped in. "How did we live this way?" Many folks started asking. The veil has been lifted. The unskilled and low wage earners now know that their work is still important. The system won't survive without them. 

The proximate cause of our misery, the most direct line is our common enemy the ruling class of the 1 percent. And some recent disclosures from Amazon and other companies prove exactly what critics of capitalism have always said. Low wage jobs are made disposable, intentionally keep poor people on the edge. According to the NY Times:

“Even before the pandemic, previously unreported data shows, Amazon lost about 3 percent of its hourly associates each week, meaning the turnover among its work force was roughly 150 percent a year. That rate, almost double that of the retail and logistics industries, has made some executives worry about running out of workers across America.“

But it's even more than that. 

I didn't like the idea of being a conspiratorial thinker. But when some of the bad guys are saying the quiet part outloud it's hard to ignore.

According to a lengthy expose by the New York Times, Jeff Bezos the founder of Amazon believes people are naturally lazy. He uses monitoring devices that allow Amazon to track employees every movement. They track how long you go to the bathroom. Amazon doesn't believe in offering raises after 3 years of work because they think complacent workers mean a slow ride to mediocrity. These are the enemies my friends. 

Thursday, June 10, 2021

The Loneliness of the Long Covid-19 Summer: AKA Do we all have to die? Anti- natalism & the over population crisis.

I don't know about you guys, but I can feel the early onset Alzheimer's hitting me like that new BTS Deal from McDonald's. I mean all I know about that meal is it's chicken nuggets, fries, and a drink which I'm pretty sure was already on the menu, but now we all get gaslit with commercials telling us that meal is somehow 'new,' so I guess like you, I don't know what's true anymore. 

Now if you're anything like me you spend all day on the internet listening to podcasts from guys like Sam Harris and doing pseudo-intellectual research from news articles and philosophy journals all the while consulting my personal library of 1970's Social Theory secondary literature from German philosophy authors that most you can't pronounce.

I do that mainly because I failed at my dream of becoming a philosopher, and because I enjoy reading secondary literature for fun. The second reason I do it is for you. Let's face it, you don't have the time to do research or read books anymore. Most of you have families and careers, or spend way too much time playing video games. Maybe it's been so long since you've used that brain of yours that you're just unsure of yourself, or maybe you come here because you notice a misunderstood genius™ when you see him. 

I've got to tell you that according to my research the mear fact that you have enough interest in this blog (now podcast) indicates a level of intelligence far greater than normal. When you read this blog you are engaging in ideas that the common folk out there have no idea about. How many people are talking about Critical Theory, anti-natalism, Nihilism, and Karl Marx on podcasts these days? Most people drink shitty carbonated soda water and discuss conspiracy theories like how the virus that causes Covid-19 was instigated by Aliens & Tom Cruise wants to gather your spirit souls together and dump them from a B-19 bomber that's been retrofitted with rocket engines so he can blow them all to hell in a volcano. I mean if true that's one hell of a conspiracy against the human race. 

Speaking of which one of the folks I began researching a few years ago is a man by the name of Thomas Ligotti. Ligotti is horror writer who wrote one of the best books to introduce the concept of anti-natalism to a mass audience.

Ligotti is best known for influencing the famous HBO TV show the True Detectives. Some, not me, but some people might say the writer from True Detectives borrowed liberally in a line-by-line fashion from the book The Conspiracy Against the Human Race. But I wouldn't say that! 

The conspiracy Ligotti is talking about here isn't Tom Cruise piloting an anachronistic WW2 bomber into outer space to deploy atomic bombs at trillions of spirit/souls. The conspiracy is that alone in the universe only human beings become aware of their existence and ultimately their deaths. 

No other creature. Just us. And frankly, that news is not really popular with our people. Nobody wants to talk about death. I wrote a podcast episode that was called 'suicidal musings' and it got about 1/5th as many downloads as my other episodes. Until I changed the title.  So you see the conspiracy against humanity is live and well even today.

I know I say this a lot but... life is suffering. Ligotti quotes the philosopher Bahnsen describing that events in the universe are an, "indiscriminate butchery and mutual slaughter among it's individuated parts." (Ligotti part 13 of 246)

Electrons smashing together, the tiger crushing the bones of it's prey, the lustfully engorged anus of a baboon being roughly taken. They all amount to nothing but destruction. Which is just pointless and unscripted. So who cares? Well, no one did until the consciousness of man arose. 

And even after that most of you have never considered the options when it comes to life or death. Half of you spend more time watching obnoxious tik tok videos than giving thought to the most important questions humans can fathom. I mean I work in a grocery store so I know what you agonize over like which flavor of ice cream to buy Rocky Road or banana split and since you aren't 7 the answer seems pretty obvious. 

Anti humanism & anti natalism 

There's a natural revulsion that elites have toward the lumpen proletariat masses. The dirty unwashed folks like you and me. That's why we prols are  suspicious of elites. It's why I wouldn't put it past the elites to be trying to cull the entire population. Maybe injecting us with trackers and allowing the Covid-19 to spread on purpose. 

Another way we know the elites hate us is that they study things like anti-natalism and intergenerational future philosophy. Anti-natalism is of course the philosophy that humans should stop giving birth to other humans, so that we can stop the agony of life. Some philosophers have even termed anti-natalism as the ultimate humanism. Nothing could be more human than ending all suffering in the future. Would this apply to other animals? I don't know. I've never heard anyone suggest it would. Though animal rights activists insist that other animals count when we talk about minimizing suffering as a foundational element of morality. But anti-natalism as the ultimate humanism is a bit odd don't you think? It means the ultimate good a human could produce comes from the extermination of humanity. 

Likewise when you asses another very new though popular idea like generational futures which contends that the future has a claim on us today. Usually it seems that claim wishes to control us to some degree. If it's not combating climate change, asking us to conserve resources, maintain the natural habitat, then it's asking us to invest and enrich future generations at our expense. It's not at all unlike a very rich man asking his poorer brethren to donate to charity. All those claims and requests seem fine and dandy unless you are sitting in some encampment in the developing world hoping for a few liters of clean water. 

Which just goes to show you that maybe the Illuminati, or the ruling class, or a bunch of shape changing interdimensional lizards really are hoping for our deaths. 

Honestly, who could blame them? Most of y'all are nasty. Now I'm not talking Jeffrey Toobin masturbating on Zoom© nasty. But nasty none-the-less.™

Speaking of good ol' Jeffery, I feel like maybe he got a raw deal getting fired from CNN for jerking the old tubin' after he thought he hung up on a zoom call. I mean what's a guy to do wait 20 minutes after a zoom call to masturbate like he's going swimming after eating a big meal? There are no riptides on the internet. 

Secondly, before we go here. How many of y'all got my Iron Maiden joke in the title about the long distance runner? I bet if you did you aren't a 15 year old with 6 Iron Maiden t-shirts that you forget to tuck into the back of your jeans, because for some reason Gen Z refuses to either tuck in or untuck a shirt all the way. I guess what I'm saying here is pull up your pants, wear a belt, and untuck that front tuck son. 

Either way all these lock downs have been doing is introducing you to the new lifestyle of choice for Japanese men and incels everywhere. The one where you don't go outside or have a bf/gf. 

All the rest of you norms acting like it's easy to jump from relationship to relationship. I mean it takes me usually six or 7 years to find a replacement for my girlfriend, which in hindsight makes my idea to dump my last gf seem maybe silly. The older and uglier I get & the more inflation starts eroding my modest raises of 25 cents a year the more it starts looking like I might be able to start my own anti-natalist cult. I'm not getting anyone pregnant in the near future and maybe Dr. Fauci is just getting us used to the idea that porn is all we need and let's just roast marshmallows on the embers of the human race. Frankly, that's a conspiracy I think I could get behind. 

Wednesday, June 09, 2021

Why nothing feels good anymore: Self Help Guide to Hating Yourself and Everything Else!

Nothing feels good anymore. 

I'm sitting on my couch in an air conditioned apartment that is at least 50 degrees cooler inside than the hellscaped 120° Arizona summer is outside. I have a giant 50 inch TV screen that plays endless content at me at decibel levels that are slowly making me go deaf. I keep scrolling through TV shows and networks. One by one. And there's nothing on even though I can order up virtually any movie, book, or music ever made.

It all seems boring.

I don't know if you sit in the dark like me eating a two day old gas station donut reflecting on how pleasure disappeared from a world built on making everything easy, but it did.

It starts with how your attention span goes from reading a book for six hours in a row to not being able to focus on the next 7 seconds of a Tik Tok video. Despite the fact that the video contains nothing other than the seductive dancing of 20 something girls shaking their assets at you.

I should take a moment to warn you. If you were hoping for a moment of cheer, or for a happy ending then you've come to the wrong place. One reviewer of my content once commented that my blog was, "nothing more than a showcase for the relentlessness of the of the psychology of depression."

There is no happy ending. If you are happy you should probably stop reading this blog and go on with your happy life. If you are sad, you should stop reading this blog; otherwise, I suppose you might find yourself in the kitchen holding a razer blade in mocked suprise as your artery gushes out a maroon waterfall of death.

Perhaps this blog/podcast is best left for posterity, or for the professional psychonaut who seeks only the most extreme mind spaces. Because in my world there is no escape. This is after all the End of the World.™ We don't just cover the apocalypse of the world, but the apocalypse of the mind. How depression will tear at your soul. Rob you of your personality. Steal your happiness and contentment, and how it will eventually degrade your humanity. It will leave you in a stinking pit, to rot, as you watch helplessly as layers of morality fall in to the fire. Eventually you will be stripped of anything you value, you will notice you are the nothingness. A black hole sucking everything into it. Crushing all around you. There is no light at the end of the tunnel. Nothing escapes the gravitational pull of a black hole. Not even light. 

So with that warning be wary of what you seek. Perhaps avoid this content at all cost. You too could accidently slip into the event horizon of my self destruction. Because here it is so easy to ignore the outside world and become terminally fascinated by the inner dwelling of ego. 

Another morning and another ultimate cheeseburger. Two cow patties placed on a bun. The Jack in the Box© puts too much mayo on the sandwich. I take a bite of the burger and ignore the swelling in my legs and feet and the dull ache in my forearms from the blood clots that never went away. My blood pressure on a nice resting day sits at 140/99 but after the salty burger it zooms to 165 over 120 and my heartbeat surges to 120. My face flushes bright red and later when I walk to work I'll try to forget I can't feel my right foot anymore because of the self-diagnosed diabetes. 

As I gobble down the rest of the fat & protein from some sickly cow put to pasture too late I notice the restaurant is full this morning. A homeless encampment has sprung up. Half a dozen or more homeless have taken up the few booths I usually sit at. None are socially distanced. The place now reaks from body odor and unwashed clothes. Some of the homeless are happily munching down the fatty food. 

Some are slumped over their tables satiated, or perhaps nodding off from pain pills. Others still scattered in random seats are pushing the regular customers to the 'bar like' seating near the windows where I see immigrant workers eating on benches dressed in neon yellow jackets preparing for a hard day's work of jack hammering and construction. 

I won't be joining them. Duty calls at the grocery store next door. I take my free ultimate cheeseburger© granted to me because I accumulate so many Jack Points® that I get free food all the time and stagger towards the building I call work. 

My walk to work is interrupted by my phone constantly notifying me of some Tik Tok® Only Fans® gal begging me to fill her Venmo up.  

“Go ahead." I tell myself. Just finish your final self destructive act, because you'll be dead in a few years anyway. You can ignore a few drops of blood in your fecal matter, but the growing cancer won't ignore you. 

Only Fans & the Simping contagion of your Mind 

When you lock eyes with a praying mantis you know you have finally fulfilled your purpose. She needs your destruction. Her feeding on you brings forth her unborn life. In your old age your feeble sperm deposits on the ground so don't worry that she intends to bite your head off. It's just one more final humiliation to join the indignity of being fleeced by a generation of women who refuse to tuck in their entire shirt which seems to you less style and more borderline satire. 

At work after nearly 30 years of laboring you watch an anomalous labor shortage turn teenagers into hot commodities and watch children lap you making 15 dollars an hour to start at jobs that you've worked your whole life at. You begin to understand the cruelty of Darwin and survival. That life doesn't even out and the powers of the world have no intention on keeping their word to you. So now you cycle between feeling of jealousy and self pity. 

You know that an economy finally asking the ruling class to behave and give decent wages and working conditions eventually benefits mankind.  But even the martyrdom of a depressive is tested when 35 years of sleeping on pull out couches, growing up on ranch beans and hominy and now watching teenagers who get fed organic coffee espressos, drive their parents jeep wranglers, and complain about about only getting 2 dollars an hour more than you to do the same job you've done for 30 years, who spit on the sidewalk of hard work, knowing all along that it was just a ruling class meme, that deep in the pit of your stomach you know there's something wrong with you. That the world was probably better off without your success.  That you were the idiot. The imbecile. You were a fool. You weren't the champion of the underdog. You weren't on some Marxist crusade for worker freedom. You were just a failure.  And it was you who needed protection.